Guess I can do a little update. The last I spoke, I mentioned going to watch movies at Fantasia Film Festival. While I did attend, I was unable to attend the last movie on this list T_T I really wanted to watch A Little Pond *sighs heavily* I also didn't make it out to the voice actors speaking thingie *cries a river* I did however find their book online last week and ordered it. *nods* It got here pretty fast, I already have it in hand *bounces* It's very intertesting *nods vigouroursly*
I also went to Cali this summer for the PRA meetup I had been saving up. OMG I fell in love. XD The climate, the atmosphere, even the people.. I fell in love with it all!! I spent around 2 1/2 weeks in SoCal. Mainly in Santa Monica and Monterey Park. Got to visit Long Beach, Disneyland ^_^, Los Angeles and Las Vegas. Although that last one isn't really my thing. I got sun stroke and was feverish the Saturday night. I also don't gamble.. so ya lol Still it was fun staying in the hotel on the upteenth floor.. AWERSOME view and nice A/C haha
Had a lot of "firsts" during that time.. First time taking a plane (also looooved this), first time going out west, first time eating KBBQ *drools*, first time enjoying dim sum.. is it just me or the dim sum tastes better elsewhere lol My taste buds might be opening up to fishier things shh don't tell anyone XD also first time eating Pho *drools* they also have some really good sushi.. Vegas rolls I fell in love with but sadly I've yet to find a place here that sells it *cries*
I took loads of pictures, would've taken more if my camy hadn't klunked out on the plane ride over. It was old and klunky and didn't survive the flight. It got all staticky so it was impossible to take pics. I went out and bought a new pretty non-klunky cam a few days after arriving. Within 1 day I filled up my memory card haha So ya, I think I took a lot of picture. While I won't post all, I will post some at the end of this post ^_^
So the meetup was good. I met a lot of really nice people =) Mainly people who live in Cali.. there ended up only being 2 of us that flew in. My lil' bro and I. You should read that as my unofficially adopted lil' bro. I had met him previously on two occasions. The first being when he came to Montreal for his grandfather's funeral and the second, when he came back for vacation in the summer. He says he'll be back for his March break next year so I'll be able to hang out with him again.
So ya, it was really fun. We didn't get to go to San Francisco or San Diego and I didn't get to meet all the people we were supposed to, so I've told one of them I'll go back mainly to visit her. I've been offered to stay with her while there. I just don't know when I'll be able to make it back *pouts* Oh to have abundant sums of money coming out the wazoo! I think I'd be travelling all the time XD
My vacations for the next 2 years are already semi-planned out. Next year in July I'm Toronto bound for two weeks. That's already planned, dates set and everything. I'll be staying with Kristin while there. I'll also be meeting a friend, also from PRA, she's coming over from Serbia ^_^ In 2012, somewhere in the summer probably around July as well though it's yet to be confirmed when exactly.. Kristin and I will be making our way to Japan XD <3 Min (my friend from Serbia) will also be in Japan, though not the same city where we'll be staying. She's moving there next year for school. Has a house and informed me I must go stay with her when we go to Japan. No complaining from me XD I'm gladly going, so we'll go spend some time with her as well. I'm totally stoked. I've wanted to go to Japan for years!! Needless to say, I've already started saving for that.
Alright, well I need to go get ready now. Gonna go downtown to watch a movie "The Heart of Auschwitz" I'll give an update on that. It's kind of supposed to be a documentary. But really interesting.
Before I go.. here are a few pics:
(above: festival of lights at Disneyland; below: Long Beach after our visit to The Aquarium of Pacific)
(below are pics of Santa Monica Pier from a distance and Santa Monica Beach as well as our L.A. Zoo "crew")

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