What's in a new year's resolution? I keep hearing people talking about it. They make goals for themselves and then drop them months in. I can't say I've ever set myself a "new year's resolution". I have set myself goals in the past though, and ya, they usually fall through. Or I'll tell myself that I won't start right away, I'll start in a bit.. and then continuously put it off. So, I seems to putz around a lot.. I'm even doing in right now. Well, not now now because I'm working, but you know what I mean.
I've decided that I'm going to challenge myself. How does this change from any other goals I've ever set for myself before? No clue. Wish I had answers, but I don't. I think all I can do is believe in myself and push myself along to keep myself on track and then hope for the best. Seeing as I don't like to get out of my comfort zone and procrastinate all the time and it also being the holiday season with LOADS of junk food at the tip of my fingertips, I figure I'll go ahead and indulge, until the end of the month.
I seriously need to start eating healthy, so there's my first "goal" for 2012. With the help of my buddy, I've been able to cut back my junk food at the movies. I'm allowed 1 bag of popcorn per month. It's a rule I set for myself, but he reminds me and makes sure I follow what I put in place.
Because I can do that, I've decided that, yes, I will continue but to it, I'll add all chocolate &/or junk food into the same "restriction". So they too will only be permitted once a month.
Another goal consists of my darn workouts!
I figure this is good for a start, after 2 months once I'm used to it, I can increase my exercise time.
twice a week for the 1st 2 months - Wed & Fri [gonna pick back up my physio exercises because I've been feeling my back weakening]
stretches & walking daily ~ 30mins. - either walks outside or on treadmill [yup, go figure, I have a treadmill IN my home and use it mostly as a cat rest.. and a dust picker-uper.. >.>]
I always, whenever deciding to "pick up" something, tell myself that if I take on too much at once I'll just give up easier. I'm going to try my best to persevere with these "goals" regardless of the amount I take on.
Next "goal", is to pick up my Korean *shakes head at self* I bought books, I have access to countless websites for self-teaching, but I've found myself always feeling "too tired" to start anything. [I still need to get a dictionary, I'm on it!!]
My guitar, which I've yet to tune... I want to start learning. I'm debating, do I tackle that one on my own.. or do I ask my uncle? It would give me a reason to go see him every so often. He lives out in the boonies now, so I don't see him (ever) but I do miss him *nods*
Driving lessons! Something I've constantly been putting off for YEARS!! I need to find a place that's certified with the new system and also not in the middle of nowhere. Ugh.
Japanese. I don't want to give it up, but it's been in the "standstill" for too long. I need to decide what I want to do with it. Do I continue? Do I enrol in another class? Do I continue on my own?
There are obviously things I need to figure out still, but the ones that are certain are logged in and I'm kicking myself to follow through with.
In the languages department (Korean/Japanese).. anyone care to help me?? =3
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
wafts of baked nummyness fill the air ♥
Another experiment of sorts =) My buddy Drago gave me his pumpkin goop so I could make something with it. Unfortunately, I only got it this week even though it's been removed over 3 weeks ago. I'm a tad iffy to it's wholeness so I did freeze it as I knew I could only make anything from it this weekend. I ended up defrosting it, but then realized he never separated the seeds. I was too lazy to do it haha so I bought a can of pumpkin puree instead and used that to make ze creation.
It smells soooooo good! I made pumpkin cheesecake. Now, I'm not a fan of pumpkin pie and I'm not a big fan of cheesecake, but this mixture *drools* it's AWERSOME!!
Here be the recipe:
At first, as I was mixing it, I thought once again there may be too much nutmeg - I found out when I made some spice cookies that nutmeg doesn't quite sit well with me, it's fine in poulet milk but not in baked goods (poulet [pronounced: pull-ehtt] milk is what I call eggnog because the name for it in French is "Lait de Poule" with is basically "chicken milk"). Anyhoo, I digress. Once I started mixing the spiced with the cream cheese, the nutmeg smell wasn't quite as strong and burning me nostrils and tasted rather good. Yes, I am guilty of licking batter!! =D
There's a nice sour cream topping that you bake just enough so it sets. Now it's in the process of slowly cooling. But my place smells soooo nice. It's really fun to bake, also very relaxing. Although, I'm sure there must not be another nut like me lol I started baking around 1:30am, it's now 4:47am and I still need to wait for it to cool down completely before putting it into the fridge. Were I to live alone, I could probably sleep for a bit, wake up in an hour or so and put it into the fridge. However, I live with a veeeerrry curious kitty who loves to lie down in things, I'm sure my pie tray would not be an exception. Thankfully, I'm not super tired, although I am getting there. Oh well, I'm off to watch another episode of "Nobuta wo Produce" to pass the time =3
It smells soooooo good! I made pumpkin cheesecake. Now, I'm not a fan of pumpkin pie and I'm not a big fan of cheesecake, but this mixture *drools* it's AWERSOME!!
Here be the recipe:
At first, as I was mixing it, I thought once again there may be too much nutmeg - I found out when I made some spice cookies that nutmeg doesn't quite sit well with me, it's fine in poulet milk but not in baked goods (poulet [pronounced: pull-ehtt] milk is what I call eggnog because the name for it in French is "Lait de Poule" with is basically "chicken milk"). Anyhoo, I digress. Once I started mixing the spiced with the cream cheese, the nutmeg smell wasn't quite as strong and burning me nostrils and tasted rather good. Yes, I am guilty of licking batter!! =D
There's a nice sour cream topping that you bake just enough so it sets. Now it's in the process of slowly cooling. But my place smells soooo nice. It's really fun to bake, also very relaxing. Although, I'm sure there must not be another nut like me lol I started baking around 1:30am, it's now 4:47am and I still need to wait for it to cool down completely before putting it into the fridge. Were I to live alone, I could probably sleep for a bit, wake up in an hour or so and put it into the fridge. However, I live with a veeeerrry curious kitty who loves to lie down in things, I'm sure my pie tray would not be an exception. Thankfully, I'm not super tired, although I am getting there. Oh well, I'm off to watch another episode of "Nobuta wo Produce" to pass the time =3
sour cream
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Exploring the unknown...
Is it weird that the first time I ate squash was on Oct 17th? No matter! The fact of the matter is that I've tasted it and now, am curious to taste those of which I have not.
My first time tasting butternut squash was when I stumbled upon a recipe in a very old magazine I had lying around that I just happened to pick up and flip through "butternut squash and rosemary soup with parsley yogurt" It sounded so good and it being Autumn, butternut squash is everywhere. So out I went to buy this funny looking squash and make this recipe that had me ever so curious. It was super nummy!
This week I decided that I wanted to try other squashes. I'm curious to how they taste but I also want to be eating healthier so think of it as killing 2 birds with 1 stone. They be some tasty birds mmmm
Tuesday, I decided I wanted to try another recipe with butternut squash. I made Hobakjuk following this recipe: http://www.maangchi.com/recipe/hobakjuk I even made rice cake balls *is all proud of self*
The recipe called for 2 or 3 butternut squash, having only one at home, I went out to buy another. While I was out I also picked up a few more things. A spaghetti squash, an acorn squash and gingersnap cookies. My buddy Drago gave me his pumpkin goop (from the one he carved) and I'll be turning it into pumpkin cheesecake in a gingersnap crust nom nom nom the recipe looks delish! But, I digress.
Once home, I found out my biggest pot could only hold 1 squash and so I only used the one I already had, leaving me a spare butternut squash to experiment some more at a later time =D
There was so much leftover Hobakjuk that I ended having to freeze some, afterall, I live alone. I can't possibly finish it all in one week and not get tired of it. It's really good, but to eat it everyday might be a tad too much. I invited my mouman over so she could have some, she really liked it ^_^
I posted about my eagerness to experiment with squash on fb, and one of my friends noted that she likes roasting spaghetti squash with a bit of butter, salt & pepper and then just eating it like that. I decided, that would be my supper as I just happened to have a spaghetti squash (and well, I LOVE butter). *nods* I only made half of one as it was fairly big. Roasted it in the oven with butter, a little olive oil, herbal salt and freshly ground pepper. 35 mins later, my supper was done and I was salivating from the smell. So soothing. I can't believe I waited so long before trying squash, but I'm happy I finally did.
I also have an acorn squash and the perfect recipe for it. *drools just thinking about it* http://www.diningchicago.com/blog/2010/10/20/eat-this-acorn-squash-made-for-stuffing/ Doesn't that look sooo good? I can't wait to try it.
I'm really happy with this whole discovery because I've found a joy of cooking. It's sometimes hard to find that motivation to cook for myself, because it's just me that needs feeding. I know that when there's someone else here that I can cook for, I tend to feel more motivated to cook things. I kind of miss that. But I love discovering new things, and the fact that this includes food.. it gives me motivation to actually cook supper =3 Hopefully, once the winter squash season is gone, I'll be able to find other experiments I'll want to try.

Butternut squash and rosemary soup with parsley yogurt

Hobakjuk (Butternut squash porridge with rice cake balls)

Oven Roasted Spaghetti squash with butter, olive oil, herbal salt & freshly ground pepper
My first time tasting butternut squash was when I stumbled upon a recipe in a very old magazine I had lying around that I just happened to pick up and flip through "butternut squash and rosemary soup with parsley yogurt" It sounded so good and it being Autumn, butternut squash is everywhere. So out I went to buy this funny looking squash and make this recipe that had me ever so curious. It was super nummy!
This week I decided that I wanted to try other squashes. I'm curious to how they taste but I also want to be eating healthier so think of it as killing 2 birds with 1 stone. They be some tasty birds mmmm
Tuesday, I decided I wanted to try another recipe with butternut squash. I made Hobakjuk following this recipe: http://www.maangchi.com/recipe/hobakjuk I even made rice cake balls *is all proud of self*
The recipe called for 2 or 3 butternut squash, having only one at home, I went out to buy another. While I was out I also picked up a few more things. A spaghetti squash, an acorn squash and gingersnap cookies. My buddy Drago gave me his pumpkin goop (from the one he carved) and I'll be turning it into pumpkin cheesecake in a gingersnap crust nom nom nom the recipe looks delish! But, I digress.
Once home, I found out my biggest pot could only hold 1 squash and so I only used the one I already had, leaving me a spare butternut squash to experiment some more at a later time =D
There was so much leftover Hobakjuk that I ended having to freeze some, afterall, I live alone. I can't possibly finish it all in one week and not get tired of it. It's really good, but to eat it everyday might be a tad too much. I invited my mouman over so she could have some, she really liked it ^_^
I posted about my eagerness to experiment with squash on fb, and one of my friends noted that she likes roasting spaghetti squash with a bit of butter, salt & pepper and then just eating it like that. I decided, that would be my supper as I just happened to have a spaghetti squash (and well, I LOVE butter). *nods* I only made half of one as it was fairly big. Roasted it in the oven with butter, a little olive oil, herbal salt and freshly ground pepper. 35 mins later, my supper was done and I was salivating from the smell. So soothing. I can't believe I waited so long before trying squash, but I'm happy I finally did.
I also have an acorn squash and the perfect recipe for it. *drools just thinking about it* http://www.diningchicago.com/blog/2010/10/20/eat-this-acorn-squash-made-for-stuffing/ Doesn't that look sooo good? I can't wait to try it.
I'm really happy with this whole discovery because I've found a joy of cooking. It's sometimes hard to find that motivation to cook for myself, because it's just me that needs feeding. I know that when there's someone else here that I can cook for, I tend to feel more motivated to cook things. I kind of miss that. But I love discovering new things, and the fact that this includes food.. it gives me motivation to actually cook supper =3 Hopefully, once the winter squash season is gone, I'll be able to find other experiments I'll want to try.
Butternut squash and rosemary soup with parsley yogurt
Hobakjuk (Butternut squash porridge with rice cake balls)
Oven Roasted Spaghetti squash with butter, olive oil, herbal salt & freshly ground pepper
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Being young is fun!

Ok so I hadn't done this in over a decade, but I guess you can count it as my "celebrating my youngness" mwahahaha
I just turned 31 although I don't feel a day over 4! (minus my old bones lol) I totally went trick or treating this year XD and OMG was it ever fun!!! I may have lied about my age, but isn't the whole thing of dressing up for Halloween pretending to be something you're not? So, it's all good =D Some guy asked me if I was 15, so I went with 15 1/2 mwahahahaha thank god no one asked me what year I was born in.. I'd have to do some seriously fast counting (I suck at math lol). It was loads of fun and I got me a bagful of candies. I didn't go alone, I went with my best friend lil' Drago. =3
We got some compliments for our costumes.. my buddy scared a few kids (big & small) lol
He was a really good Frank (from Donnie Darko), looming behind me, not speaking lol My costume was a blue Totoro gone wrong.. I named it "Pedo T" LOL but because nobody could guess what I was, I went to a Halloween party on Saturday and even there got soooo many different guesses. There was: penguin, badger, panda, kitty, donkey, bunny. With all the little kids hovering around, I figured saying my costume was a "Pedo T" might be slightly frowned upon.. So when asked I went with "a bunny and badge hybrid" lol It worked hahaha
Donnie Darko,
Hallow's Eve,
trick or treating
Thursday, September 1, 2011
So it seems..
you can get special request pizzas now when ordering online.. I may need to try this out *nods* Until then, this is one such request my friend was able to get. Hehe it's cute!
Herein lies his inspiration. My personal favourite is the unicorn that's curled up inside the box =3
as well as this one, quite funny/cute too
bugs out!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
if i were..
to write a book about myself right now.. I think it'd be called "the life and times of a taxidermist".. lol jk.. I've been making something for a friend's bday and it needs stuffing. Stuffing is a lot more tedious and tiring than one could have imagined. I feel like a taxidermist, stuffing an emptied out carcass. Although thankfully, this "carcass" is my own creation and therefore was never in a living state. Not completely my own creation, I bought a crochet pattern for a fox, but I'm modifying it a bit.. Not sure if it's going to look like what I want it to look like when I'm done, but I'll try my best. *nods*
I'll post pictures when I'm done as well as state what it is, but for now, secrecy ensues just in case my friend pops by here XD
Now I'm assembling it.. like Frankenstein! lol Off I go ^_^
I'll post pictures when I'm done as well as state what it is, but for now, secrecy ensues just in case my friend pops by here XD
Now I'm assembling it.. like Frankenstein! lol Off I go ^_^
Saturday, August 20, 2011
It was bound to happen..
I haven't been sleeping super well this week. I fall asleep, but wake up without a full good "night" of sleep. The only day I slept well was Wednesday and that was because I had been up since almost 8am Tuesday morning so my body was recuperating on lost sleep. Thursday I woke up early, Friday I slept late and woke up early.. So, as I took my 1hr nap from 5am-6am as I usually do when I haven't slept enough, I just never woke up. My alarm was set, it must've blared for 2hrs, I heard nothing. I supposed I slept so hard as my back was killing me and thus I slept flat on my back rather than on my side as I normally do. I think that contributed in some way to my sleeping deeper.. But I also know my body couldn't take the lack of sleep anymore. Thankfully I only have 1hr of work left after my 5am break, so I didn't miss that much work and it's usually fairly quiet Saturday mornings. So, I don't think I really gave my co-workers too much of a busy shift. Still, I feel horrible. If anyone knows me, they know I take my work seriously. I'm never late, hell if I need to be at the office I'd rather show up an hour and a half early instead of leaving so I get there 15mins before my shift starts. In the 5yrs I've worked there not once have I been late since starting on the floor.. I guess I could feel good at that, but I don't because I know this is going to go on my record and I'm still on trial for working from home... -_- I hope I didn't mess things up. Dx
What woke me up at 10:42am was Kayla, my kitty, meowing from behind the closed door.. Had she not mrowed for me, I think I'd still be sleeping.
I sent an email to my supervisors explaining what happened and one to my coworkers apologizing for my behaviour. I know that doesn't right a wrong, but I felt I needed to apologize regardless.
It's now 1:10pm, and obviously having slept for 5 1/2 hours I can't sleep =_= so much for catching up on sleep. Oh well, I did have to go out today.. guess I'll make the best of it and maybe I can catch some shut-eye upon my return.
What woke me up at 10:42am was Kayla, my kitty, meowing from behind the closed door.. Had she not mrowed for me, I think I'd still be sleeping.
I sent an email to my supervisors explaining what happened and one to my coworkers apologizing for my behaviour. I know that doesn't right a wrong, but I felt I needed to apologize regardless.
It's now 1:10pm, and obviously having slept for 5 1/2 hours I can't sleep =_= so much for catching up on sleep. Oh well, I did have to go out today.. guess I'll make the best of it and maybe I can catch some shut-eye upon my return.
Friday, August 19, 2011
When the wind blows
I've been wanting to write for soo long, but then my kitty chewed through my power cord and so I had to wait for a new one to get here. A whole week without my lappy T-T then I went camping and upon my return my new power supply was waiting for me in the mail. =) yay!! Just in time to start back at work! It's been a nice long week, I'm anticipating my weekend. I've been feeling really tired lately, I keep waking up too early and not falling back asleep which in turn makes me super sleepy once my shift ensues. I have to find a way, something that'll let me sleep longer otherwise I fear getting sick. =S I'd rather not turn back into a plague rat.. A month of that was more than enough for me, for like... the next 2 years!! I'd say longer, but we need to be realistic here =P
I think it might have something to do with the way I've been eating or rather the "what" that I've been eating. I've gone partly healthy but at the same time, there's still a lot of junk and crap left from my camping trip.. yup, I ate baaaaad while gone and I've been lazy on the getting back into the groove of things. Tomorrow, tomorrow is a new day, new leaf. I'd say today, but get this.. I'm too tired :S I'm actually just thinking of taking a nap before work, I think it'd do me good in the long run *nods*
Ok.. so I'll write again soonish. *nods*
Laterz, bug out! =D
I think it might have something to do with the way I've been eating or rather the "what" that I've been eating. I've gone partly healthy but at the same time, there's still a lot of junk and crap left from my camping trip.. yup, I ate baaaaad while gone and I've been lazy on the getting back into the groove of things. Tomorrow, tomorrow is a new day, new leaf. I'd say today, but get this.. I'm too tired :S I'm actually just thinking of taking a nap before work, I think it'd do me good in the long run *nods*
Ok.. so I'll write again soonish. *nods*
Laterz, bug out! =D
Friday, July 1, 2011
finally it has happened to me right in front of my face and i just can't deny it..
Ok so I haven't died, nor have I fallen off the face of the earth. I do say, I am still alive! How are the exercises coming along, you ask? Hmm... yeah.. haha Well, for the record I did do them once last week on Tuesday and I kept forgetting to write it out. *shakes head in despair* I was out of town for the weekend and didn't really do much of anything. However, I have not given up! I'm going to change things around a bit though. While out of town, I was staying with a childhood friend who recommended I try yoga. She says it's very useful and will help me out a lot. The best part of all of this, is that I can do it at home. She lent me her dvd that I may follow it and get into the rhythm of things. Once I've been continuously doing it for 1 month, she will then give me a workout plan that I am to follow.
I left her place with a new drive. Just seeing how much she can and has achieved and still strives to do more regardless of what life throws at her. It gave me a boost. So, there are a few things that will be in the process of coming about. From my own perspective. After years of falling into the mold of procrastination, I'm tired of it. Not advancing, not getting anywhere. There's a limit to it all and this girl *points at self* is going to do something about it *nods affirmatively*
As soon as things start coming into motion I will make sure to write about them ^_^
A tired bug bids you good day!
Laterz *waves*
I left her place with a new drive. Just seeing how much she can and has achieved and still strives to do more regardless of what life throws at her. It gave me a boost. So, there are a few things that will be in the process of coming about. From my own perspective. After years of falling into the mold of procrastination, I'm tired of it. Not advancing, not getting anywhere. There's a limit to it all and this girl *points at self* is going to do something about it *nods affirmatively*
As soon as things start coming into motion I will make sure to write about them ^_^
A tired bug bids you good day!
Laterz *waves*
Friday, June 17, 2011
I got to "Day 4" that was good.. right? *sigh* I'll be getting back into the roll of things come Saturday morning (so technically, today). I've been blahed out and completely drained of energy this week.. Had to go into the office on Wednesday so I didn't exercise the day before as I knew I had to sleep as much as possible as I had to not only head to the office for my shift but had a condo meeting. Which basically meant I had to get up earlier and not really sleep as much as possible. Coming back from work Thursday morning my head was all spinny so again I didn't do anything and just went to bed. Today, or rather yesterday (Friday) I was just plain lazy. -_- Still, throughout it all I managed to loose a few pounds. 192.something (my brain fails me..still 2 lbs down is good *nods*) I have been eating healthier, so maybe that's what helped. And while I did eat pizza, it wasn't a chemical induced store bought one, instead it was homemade from scratch with healthy ingredients. OK ok fiine pepperoni isn't really healthy, but it's not a pizza without it! Still, it lasted me a good 3 days.. It was ginormous! I've also been making veggie stir-fry with vermicelli noodles nom nom nom soo good! But yes, anyhoo.. I'll be heading into the office yet again come Tuesday =_= I seriously hope they finish the work on the stoopid phone lines soon, because it'd be pure bliss to not have to come in on Tuesday and also because it's EXTREMELY BORING working at the office as there's NADA to do! D8 I dread having to go it -_-
Anywhoo, leaving all that aside! Here I am stuck in one of those oober slowly paced days, where the time barely seems to change. It's almost as though the time has stopped and here I am growing old but not going anywhere. I guess it doesn't help that I'm hot and my head it pounding. I just wish my shift would be over and done with or at the very least that 5am would roll around becaue I want to take a 1hr nap! I won't be able to sleep much if any after I'm done my shift. I intend to work out for a good hour, by which time it'll probably be close to 8:30am and I need to head downtown to meet Raine. We'll be watch Harry Potter tomorrow morning as my bff Chris is graduating on Monday and I had promised to go ^^ I'm sure by the time I come back Saturday afternoon/evening I'll be a walking zombie =___= but I'm sure I'll have fun while I'm out! I think that's why I'm so looking forward to my workout in the morning. Because I know it'll give me a boost for the rest of the day. Or at least for a few hours. I'll have to sleep Saturday, that's for sure. Yet, I'm also waiting on a pattern to arrive. Crochet pattern I just ordered. I had no previous intend on ordering anything as I had started to follow a pattern I have in an amigurumi book. You'd think these patterns, being published in a book and all, would've been tested out.. but alas, such is not the case. It's a good thing I didn't pay much for the book and I'm hoping it's only the one pattern that isn't complete. I'm making an animal, and you'd assume being the size it is that it shouldn't be hard to include all the steps but nooo.. they give enough instruction to kind of make a body, but no head -_- I thought maybe I made an error, so I stopped and started again from scratch. Nothing, no head, no shape of head, nada. Pattern for ears and tail, wonderful! But unless the pictures they included were not meant to show what the finished product would be, the only thing I could do is "patch" the ears and tail to the one sausage looking body with not head >.> I'm not amused. It's fine though, thankfully I was able to find the same type of animal but a much cuter version. Delivery is by email, good thing too as Canada Post is on strike! D8 And it should arrive 24hrs after payment is received. So, hopefully by tomorrow I should get it. I'll be able to work on it Sunday morning and give it to her on Monday. I hope things work out *nods*
Alrighty, well, I'm off for now.
Anywhoo, leaving all that aside! Here I am stuck in one of those oober slowly paced days, where the time barely seems to change. It's almost as though the time has stopped and here I am growing old but not going anywhere. I guess it doesn't help that I'm hot and my head it pounding. I just wish my shift would be over and done with or at the very least that 5am would roll around becaue I want to take a 1hr nap! I won't be able to sleep much if any after I'm done my shift. I intend to work out for a good hour, by which time it'll probably be close to 8:30am and I need to head downtown to meet Raine. We'll be watch Harry Potter tomorrow morning as my bff Chris is graduating on Monday and I had promised to go ^^ I'm sure by the time I come back Saturday afternoon/evening I'll be a walking zombie =___= but I'm sure I'll have fun while I'm out! I think that's why I'm so looking forward to my workout in the morning. Because I know it'll give me a boost for the rest of the day. Or at least for a few hours. I'll have to sleep Saturday, that's for sure. Yet, I'm also waiting on a pattern to arrive. Crochet pattern I just ordered. I had no previous intend on ordering anything as I had started to follow a pattern I have in an amigurumi book. You'd think these patterns, being published in a book and all, would've been tested out.. but alas, such is not the case. It's a good thing I didn't pay much for the book and I'm hoping it's only the one pattern that isn't complete. I'm making an animal, and you'd assume being the size it is that it shouldn't be hard to include all the steps but nooo.. they give enough instruction to kind of make a body, but no head -_- I thought maybe I made an error, so I stopped and started again from scratch. Nothing, no head, no shape of head, nada. Pattern for ears and tail, wonderful! But unless the pictures they included were not meant to show what the finished product would be, the only thing I could do is "patch" the ears and tail to the one sausage looking body with not head >.> I'm not amused. It's fine though, thankfully I was able to find the same type of animal but a much cuter version. Delivery is by email, good thing too as Canada Post is on strike! D8 And it should arrive 24hrs after payment is received. So, hopefully by tomorrow I should get it. I'll be able to work on it Sunday morning and give it to her on Monday. I hope things work out *nods*
Alrighty, well, I'm off for now.
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Day 4
So, I wasn't feeling too good Friday night, ended up calling in sick and then I went to sleep. Needless to say, I didn't do my treadmill the next day =_=
However, I'm doing my workouts right now.
always tuck in and clench tummy!!
clench fist and arm muscles @ 90deg angle and life opposite leg.. hold 5 secs
10 to 12 reps. 5 - 6 on each side - did 3 sets
use feet to lift up, balance on elbows/forearm.. tuck in tummy.. 30secs and up
side plank
resting on knees, resting on forearm and lift up (one side then other) try over 30secs
lie on back, knees bent, feet on floor, squeeze butt together and raise butt off of floor
hold 5 secs & relax
(then if good, raise 1 leg off floor, then other)
10-12 reps
2 - 3 sets on each (2 sets on each and work up to 3 sets on each, then once core down pat at 3 sets can go for more vids on doing other stuff)
As I'm doing them, I've been thinking. Yes, walking on the treadmill is good. And it does take a lot out of me.. but at the same time all I'm doing is cardio. I've been thinking about this, not just today but yesterday as well. Either I could up the time on the mill or do 1hr mill and then the above exercises too. On those 2 days I had "reserved" let's say for only exercises, I think instead what I could do is on those days cut myself some slack and just do mill. This is all just me thinking "out loud" so to speak, um I'll see if I'm capable of doing that. Otherwise, I'll just stick with the mill on weekdays.
I've also been thinking, for a while now, that I'd like to do jumprope.. But I don't know where I'd do this, because I have neighbours downstairs I don't know if doing it at home would be wise but where would I do it outdoors so I don't feel self-conscious?
Anyways, I was just writing up my thoughts so I can re-read them afterwards and mull 'em over. I'm going to go finish my workout now. I'll edit this post if I change anything in the workout *nods*
For the planks I was capable of holding out for 20secs on the 1st set, 15 secs on the 2nd set and only 10 secs on the 3rd set. What I have noticed is my shoes slip on the floor, so I can't keep upright as I'm battling with sucking in my tummy and trying to not slip back down. I'm not blaming my lack of strength on this, I know I need to work more at this but the slipping doesn't help *shakes fist*
On to side planks..
I can hold up to 18 secs on my left side, for 2 sets. I think my right side is weaker as I find really hard to stay straight and can lift for no more than 10 secs on 1 set and then only for 8 secs on a 2nd set. This one's really difficult for me. Just means more practice, right? =3
Now for glutes..
I don't have enough balance yet to do the one leg up, then the other. I stuck with only the lifting. I did 2 sets of 10 reps.
It's 1pm now, so I'm going to stop as I need to go out and do some grocery shopping a well as prepare some food.
Melonpan for movie night tomorrow with Raine, and pizza tonight for supper. Making from scratch and I'll try to keep it healthy-ish haha.
My head's a little spinny, it could be from sitting up too fast or the fact that I have yet to eat. I need to do something about that. It's crucial that I start eating healthy and that means eating 3 times a day. Which is something I don't do right now.
So, off I go.
*waves* ^^
However, I'm doing my workouts right now.
always tuck in and clench tummy!!
clench fist and arm muscles @ 90deg angle and life opposite leg.. hold 5 secs
10 to 12 reps. 5 - 6 on each side - did 3 sets
use feet to lift up, balance on elbows/forearm.. tuck in tummy.. 30secs and up
side plank
resting on knees, resting on forearm and lift up (one side then other) try over 30secs
lie on back, knees bent, feet on floor, squeeze butt together and raise butt off of floor
hold 5 secs & relax
(then if good, raise 1 leg off floor, then other)
10-12 reps
2 - 3 sets on each (2 sets on each and work up to 3 sets on each, then once core down pat at 3 sets can go for more vids on doing other stuff)
As I'm doing them, I've been thinking. Yes, walking on the treadmill is good. And it does take a lot out of me.. but at the same time all I'm doing is cardio. I've been thinking about this, not just today but yesterday as well. Either I could up the time on the mill or do 1hr mill and then the above exercises too. On those 2 days I had "reserved" let's say for only exercises, I think instead what I could do is on those days cut myself some slack and just do mill. This is all just me thinking "out loud" so to speak, um I'll see if I'm capable of doing that. Otherwise, I'll just stick with the mill on weekdays.
I've also been thinking, for a while now, that I'd like to do jumprope.. But I don't know where I'd do this, because I have neighbours downstairs I don't know if doing it at home would be wise but where would I do it outdoors so I don't feel self-conscious?
Anyways, I was just writing up my thoughts so I can re-read them afterwards and mull 'em over. I'm going to go finish my workout now. I'll edit this post if I change anything in the workout *nods*
For the planks I was capable of holding out for 20secs on the 1st set, 15 secs on the 2nd set and only 10 secs on the 3rd set. What I have noticed is my shoes slip on the floor, so I can't keep upright as I'm battling with sucking in my tummy and trying to not slip back down. I'm not blaming my lack of strength on this, I know I need to work more at this but the slipping doesn't help *shakes fist*
On to side planks..
I can hold up to 18 secs on my left side, for 2 sets. I think my right side is weaker as I find really hard to stay straight and can lift for no more than 10 secs on 1 set and then only for 8 secs on a 2nd set. This one's really difficult for me. Just means more practice, right? =3
Now for glutes..
I don't have enough balance yet to do the one leg up, then the other. I stuck with only the lifting. I did 2 sets of 10 reps.
It's 1pm now, so I'm going to stop as I need to go out and do some grocery shopping a well as prepare some food.
Melonpan for movie night tomorrow with Raine, and pizza tonight for supper. Making from scratch and I'll try to keep it healthy-ish haha.
My head's a little spinny, it could be from sitting up too fast or the fact that I have yet to eat. I need to do something about that. It's crucial that I start eating healthy and that means eating 3 times a day. Which is something I don't do right now.
So, off I go.
*waves* ^^
Friday, June 10, 2011
Day 2
60.04 mins
9 1/4 laps
2.291 Dist
2.2 m/h for 5mins & 2.3 m/h for 55mins
heartbeat: 66
323 cals.
Time for a bath cuz I ish aaall sweaty and icky Dx
*waves* ^^
9 1/4 laps
2.291 Dist
2.2 m/h for 5mins & 2.3 m/h for 55mins
heartbeat: 66
323 cals.
Time for a bath cuz I ish aaall sweaty and icky Dx
*waves* ^^
Thursday, June 9, 2011
The way things are..
So, a few things ended up happening yesterday.
The first is that I got that "kick in the butt" that I needed. My motivation to get me started and will keep me going. I was talking to my lil' Drago (aka my buddy Raine) explaining what happened and just expressing how frustrated I can get at myself, basically this is what happened:
[303 PM] Lidia: and he sent me this link to his trainer..
[306 PM] Lidia: and although scurred lol i was like.. maybe i could go with one of the female trainers.. (the dude is too scary).. but then i'm like i don't know if i can commit to a trainer..
[345 PM] Lidia: and so i'm there.. like.. running around in circles.. but like i know i just keep putting things off and it's starting to really annoy me of me :S
[313 PM] Raine: you know what
[323 PM] Raine: if you dont stick to a routine and get your ass in gear
[328 PM] Raine: i'll just stop talking and hanging out with you =D
[338 PM] Lidia: omg..
[341 PM] Lidia: nuuuu
[343 PM] Raine: HAHA
[346 PM] Raine: awesome motivation
[351 PM] Lidia: THAT'S NOT FUNNY!! DX
[305 PM] Lidia: you're...serious..aren't you? T^T
[323 PM] Lidia: and you're not answering me *cries a river*
[339 PM] Lidia: but... i'm making a schedule!!! i swear I am!!
[352 PM] Raine: hahaha good
[300 PM] Raine: otherwise i WILL do that to enforce it >: (
It really IS very good motivation, as our friendship means A LOT to me and he knows this. I think it was like a fool-proof motivator. It worked, I made a schedule and I'm going to stick by it. =3
I never made it out, to buy that power cord. I did however find a good functional one at home yipee!! There was NO WAY IN HELL that I was going to go outdoors yesterday. I went to check the temperature to see how hot it was...and it was a whooping 39 C with humidity!! That's 102.2F for you non-Canadians. I was talking to a friend last night and I mentioned the temperature. She started laughing, she lives in the desert (Vegas) and their temp only reached the 90s. I like living so I figured staying indoors was best *nods*
So basically, I'm starting with the easy stuff. An hour of treadmill after work each morning (Wed - Sat), Sun & Tues I do aprox. 1 - 2 hours of exercises (from the exercises I was supposed to continue doing from my physio which has a lot
of crunches and stuff to like, build strength) and Mondays are my "off" days. It feels like it's spread out and easy enough, so I don't think I'll get that "omg there's too much" feeling and then just flop and stop.
I'm going to keep an update of everything I do, like a day-to-day tracker of sorts. Just so I can keep tabs on myself. I've decided I'll weigh myself once a week, on Thursdays as I officially started today, a Thursday.
I don't know if I ever mentioned it, but the weight I got at the fur place thing was wrong. I found out by my co-worker that it was off as her bf had had a doctor's appt. a few days later and was heavier than the scale had indicated. This saddened me. But now that I am on track to the road of better confidence, energy and just overall feeling better about myself, I am saddened no more! =3 I just need to work hard, is all *nods*
Start weight Thursday June 9th 2011: 194.8 lbs
Treadmill: 60.02 mins 2.2m/hr 2.166 Distance 314 Cals. 8 laps 3/4
Heartbeat: 78
I've taken a bath, I'm actually really tired yet I wanted to write about this as my hair kind of dries. *nods*
Time for bed!
Back laterz,
*waves* ^^
The first is that I got that "kick in the butt" that I needed. My motivation to get me started and will keep me going. I was talking to my lil' Drago (aka my buddy Raine) explaining what happened and just expressing how frustrated I can get at myself, basically this is what happened:
[303 PM] Lidia: and he sent me this link to his trainer..
[306 PM] Lidia: and although scurred lol i was like.. maybe i could go with one of the female trainers.. (the dude is too scary).. but then i'm like i don't know if i can commit to a trainer..
[345 PM] Lidia: and so i'm there.. like.. running around in circles.. but like i know i just keep putting things off and it's starting to really annoy me of me :S
[313 PM] Raine: you know what
[323 PM] Raine: if you dont stick to a routine and get your ass in gear
[328 PM] Raine: i'll just stop talking and hanging out with you =D
[338 PM] Lidia: omg..
[341 PM] Lidia: nuuuu
[343 PM] Raine: HAHA
[346 PM] Raine: awesome motivation
[351 PM] Lidia: THAT'S NOT FUNNY!! DX
[305 PM] Lidia: you're...serious..aren't you? T^T
[323 PM] Lidia: and you're not answering me *cries a river*
[339 PM] Lidia: but... i'm making a schedule!!! i swear I am!!
[352 PM] Raine: hahaha good
[300 PM] Raine: otherwise i WILL do that to enforce it >: (
It really IS very good motivation, as our friendship means A LOT to me and he knows this. I think it was like a fool-proof motivator. It worked, I made a schedule and I'm going to stick by it. =3
I never made it out, to buy that power cord. I did however find a good functional one at home yipee!! There was NO WAY IN HELL that I was going to go outdoors yesterday. I went to check the temperature to see how hot it was...and it was a whooping 39 C with humidity!! That's 102.2F for you non-Canadians. I was talking to a friend last night and I mentioned the temperature. She started laughing, she lives in the desert (Vegas) and their temp only reached the 90s. I like living so I figured staying indoors was best *nods*
So basically, I'm starting with the easy stuff. An hour of treadmill after work each morning (Wed - Sat), Sun & Tues I do aprox. 1 - 2 hours of exercises (from the exercises I was supposed to continue doing from my physio which has a lot
of crunches and stuff to like, build strength) and Mondays are my "off" days. It feels like it's spread out and easy enough, so I don't think I'll get that "omg there's too much" feeling and then just flop and stop.
I'm going to keep an update of everything I do, like a day-to-day tracker of sorts. Just so I can keep tabs on myself. I've decided I'll weigh myself once a week, on Thursdays as I officially started today, a Thursday.
I don't know if I ever mentioned it, but the weight I got at the fur place thing was wrong. I found out by my co-worker that it was off as her bf had had a doctor's appt. a few days later and was heavier than the scale had indicated. This saddened me. But now that I am on track to the road of better confidence, energy and just overall feeling better about myself, I am saddened no more! =3 I just need to work hard, is all *nods*
Start weight Thursday June 9th 2011: 194.8 lbs
Treadmill: 60.02 mins 2.2m/hr 2.166 Distance 314 Cals. 8 laps 3/4
Heartbeat: 78
I've taken a bath, I'm actually really tired yet I wanted to write about this as my hair kind of dries. *nods*
Time for bed!
Back laterz,
*waves* ^^
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
I'm seriously..
all ughed out..
I've been talking recently to a few friends about the whole working out and getting into shape bit. I want to get into shape, I want to get off my lazy butt and make things happen and yet, here I am, still, not budging. I sometimes get so frustrated with myself. *shakes head at self* I feel like making this long list of things, or goals that I want to achieve, yet knowing myself, once I look back on it I won't see the 1st thing listed as the 1st objective. No, instead I'll look at the big picture, and just get discouraged, again, and think to myself that I'll never be able to get through each thing. It's bad that I think that way, but I do. >.> It's seriously something that I need to work on.
One of my friends sent me a link to trainers in Montreal that look kind of scary but in a good way. They look tough, they're experienced, know what they're doing and I started thinking that maybe that's just what I need. But then I started asking myself questions like "am I thinking too much about this?", "am I really ready to commit to a trainer?", "maybe I ought to get myself going before I decide on any kind of trainer or anything.."
BUT I STILL NEED THAT KICK IN THE BUTT TO GET ME GOING!!!!! *is exasperated with self* I lack motivation for things I need for myself. It's really sad, y'know? And I hate feeling sorry for myself, like "boohoohoo poor girl lacks determination..boohoo" I don't think that way, nor do I want to. The worse part is that usually I don't. Nope, but maybe I should. Maybe that might give me a bit more drive to persevere. Instead, I usually just laze around and that takes it all. I don't have to worry about anything when I'm lazing around.. except maybe my health in the long run. *siiiiigh*
This wasn't supposed to be this kind of post, I was first just thinking to myself that I ought to write down a few goals.. but well, this is what it turned into.
I'm going to try to keep things simple.
To Do List:
- go out to the post office to mail letter
- go to Canadian Tire and buy power supply with surge protection
simple enough, right? And I'll move along from there. *nods*
I've been talking recently to a few friends about the whole working out and getting into shape bit. I want to get into shape, I want to get off my lazy butt and make things happen and yet, here I am, still, not budging. I sometimes get so frustrated with myself. *shakes head at self* I feel like making this long list of things, or goals that I want to achieve, yet knowing myself, once I look back on it I won't see the 1st thing listed as the 1st objective. No, instead I'll look at the big picture, and just get discouraged, again, and think to myself that I'll never be able to get through each thing. It's bad that I think that way, but I do. >.> It's seriously something that I need to work on.
One of my friends sent me a link to trainers in Montreal that look kind of scary but in a good way. They look tough, they're experienced, know what they're doing and I started thinking that maybe that's just what I need. But then I started asking myself questions like "am I thinking too much about this?", "am I really ready to commit to a trainer?", "maybe I ought to get myself going before I decide on any kind of trainer or anything.."
BUT I STILL NEED THAT KICK IN THE BUTT TO GET ME GOING!!!!! *is exasperated with self* I lack motivation for things I need for myself. It's really sad, y'know? And I hate feeling sorry for myself, like "boohoohoo poor girl lacks determination..boohoo" I don't think that way, nor do I want to. The worse part is that usually I don't. Nope, but maybe I should. Maybe that might give me a bit more drive to persevere. Instead, I usually just laze around and that takes it all. I don't have to worry about anything when I'm lazing around.. except maybe my health in the long run. *siiiiigh*
This wasn't supposed to be this kind of post, I was first just thinking to myself that I ought to write down a few goals.. but well, this is what it turned into.
I'm going to try to keep things simple.
To Do List:
- go out to the post office to mail letter
- go to Canadian Tire and buy power supply with surge protection
simple enough, right? And I'll move along from there. *nods*
lack of perseverance
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Something found ^^
Tryo - Serre-moi (Translation)
Just found this on this blog: http://patdem.blogspot.com/ It seems this is that person's favourite song. Likewise, although, I prefer a cover version better.
Thanks to Vera Gabriele for translation
Tryo - Serre-moi
Kiss me overboard
Come, my angel, redraw the sky
I will crucify your body
If I can unpin your wings
To kiss, to burn you at the same time
To wedge my nails in your burning spine
To beg you to come back to me
To do everything, oh everything, to see you leave
Oh come, take me there
Give me your hand if I don’t take it
Flay my wings, blow me away
And continue to remain at peace
A thousand times, we entwine ourselves
And grow weary beneath it all
Still hold me, hold me
until I choke on you
There are some bastards
who plunder the hearts of women
and there are women who have forgotten
the source from which love draws its charm:
Butterfly from flower to flower
from love into love, soulmates
those who have just one star
or those who burn their sail
I love your tears when you love
your sweat, the blood, make us lovers
who impassion themselves, who bleed—
I love when I am flayed alive
I don’t attribute failure
to our tragedies, to our goodbyes
Come back to me, come back to me
You will leave best that way
After we writhe and twist
we will end up dying
What’s the point of rebuilding ourselves—
we are disciples of the worst kind
Despite ourselves, despite ourselves
What’s the point of feeling bigger than ourselves
Two specks of madness in the wind
Two blazing souls, two children…
There are some bastards
who plunder the hearts of women
and there are women who have forgotten
the source from which love draws its charm:
Butterfly from flower to flower
from love into love, soulmates
those who have just one star
or those who burn their sail
Still hold me, hold me
until I choke on you…
Still hold me, hold me
until I choke on you…
This is the original version:
My favourite cover of this song by smokekaya:
Just found this on this blog: http://patdem.blogspot.com/ It seems this is that person's favourite song. Likewise, although, I prefer a cover version better.
Thanks to Vera Gabriele for translation
Tryo - Serre-moi
Kiss me overboard
Come, my angel, redraw the sky
I will crucify your body
If I can unpin your wings
To kiss, to burn you at the same time
To wedge my nails in your burning spine
To beg you to come back to me
To do everything, oh everything, to see you leave
Oh come, take me there
Give me your hand if I don’t take it
Flay my wings, blow me away
And continue to remain at peace
A thousand times, we entwine ourselves
And grow weary beneath it all
Still hold me, hold me
until I choke on you
There are some bastards
who plunder the hearts of women
and there are women who have forgotten
the source from which love draws its charm:
Butterfly from flower to flower
from love into love, soulmates
those who have just one star
or those who burn their sail
I love your tears when you love
your sweat, the blood, make us lovers
who impassion themselves, who bleed—
I love when I am flayed alive
I don’t attribute failure
to our tragedies, to our goodbyes
Come back to me, come back to me
You will leave best that way
After we writhe and twist
we will end up dying
What’s the point of rebuilding ourselves—
we are disciples of the worst kind
Despite ourselves, despite ourselves
What’s the point of feeling bigger than ourselves
Two specks of madness in the wind
Two blazing souls, two children…
There are some bastards
who plunder the hearts of women
and there are women who have forgotten
the source from which love draws its charm:
Butterfly from flower to flower
from love into love, soulmates
those who have just one star
or those who burn their sail
Still hold me, hold me
until I choke on you…
Still hold me, hold me
until I choke on you…
This is the original version:
My favourite cover of this song by smokekaya:
Meme: Questionnaire - One Word Meme (kind of)
I snagged this off of "My French Window" blog, the author of that blog had modified it to be more of an interview answered type of meme from it's original one word meme (original meme not viewable to me *le sigh*). So, I'm allowing myself on some occasions to maybe answer with more that one word.. I like to ramble, how can I possibly hold myself back XD (I haven't actually filled this out yet, who knows maybe I'll do good with this one word thing)
1. Where is your mobile phone?
- charging
2. Describe your boyfriend/girlfriend.
- inexistant
3. Your hair?
- multicoloured
4. Your mother?
- mouman ♥
5. Your father?
- R.I.P
6. Your favourite item?
- Rice cooker/steamer
7. Your dream last night?
- vanished
8. Your favourite drink?
- Limeade
9. Your dream car?
- Jeep Sahara Wrangler forest green '07
10. The room you are in?
- Living room
11. Your ex?
Turned Creeper with a capital "C"
12. Your fear?
- Some heights
13. What do you want to be in 10 years?
- Comfortable
14. Who did you hang out with last night?
- My buddy Raine ♥
15. What you're not?
- Hyperactive
16. The last thing you did?
- Read
17. What are you wearing?
- pjs
18. Your favourite book?
- Dragonwyck
19. Last thing you ate?
- Banana yogurt
20. Your life?
- Takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'
21. Your mood?
- Content
22. Your friends?
- True friends
23. What are you thinking about right now?
- Do I just want piggie or do I want to add cow in tonight's curry?
24. Your car?
- Unowned
25. What are you doing at this moment?
- O.o Seriously? uh... typing?!?!
26. Your summer?
- Eagerly awaiting
27. Your relationship status?
- Single
28. What is on your TV?
- Dust
29. When is the last time you laughed?
- Right now XD
30. Last time you cried?
- Last monday..(when Kishki, my sis, called me and said "mom fell, she's not moving, she's all white and they won't let me see here" mom had an extremely bad allergic reaction to a spider bite ;~; she's all better now! yay! ♥ love mouman)
31. School?
- No thanks.
Well that was that. You should check this out, http://myfrenchwindow.com/one-word-meme/ she has some cute answers.. and her blog is intertesting too *loves reading*
1. Where is your mobile phone?
- charging
2. Describe your boyfriend/girlfriend.
- inexistant
3. Your hair?
- multicoloured
4. Your mother?
- mouman ♥
5. Your father?
- R.I.P
6. Your favourite item?
- Rice cooker/steamer
7. Your dream last night?
- vanished
8. Your favourite drink?
- Limeade
9. Your dream car?
- Jeep Sahara Wrangler forest green '07
10. The room you are in?
- Living room
11. Your ex?
Turned Creeper with a capital "C"
12. Your fear?
- Some heights
13. What do you want to be in 10 years?
- Comfortable
14. Who did you hang out with last night?
- My buddy Raine ♥
15. What you're not?
- Hyperactive
16. The last thing you did?
- Read
17. What are you wearing?
- pjs
18. Your favourite book?
- Dragonwyck
19. Last thing you ate?
- Banana yogurt
20. Your life?
- Takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin'
21. Your mood?
- Content
22. Your friends?
- True friends
23. What are you thinking about right now?
- Do I just want piggie or do I want to add cow in tonight's curry?
24. Your car?
- Unowned
25. What are you doing at this moment?
- O.o Seriously? uh... typing?!?!
26. Your summer?
- Eagerly awaiting
27. Your relationship status?
- Single
28. What is on your TV?
- Dust
29. When is the last time you laughed?
- Right now XD
30. Last time you cried?
- Last monday..(when Kishki, my sis, called me and said "mom fell, she's not moving, she's all white and they won't let me see here" mom had an extremely bad allergic reaction to a spider bite ;~; she's all better now! yay! ♥ love mouman)
31. School?
- No thanks.
Well that was that. You should check this out, http://myfrenchwindow.com/one-word-meme/ she has some cute answers.. and her blog is intertesting too *loves reading*
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Short and sweet..
I seriously need to start getting ready for work soon, so just a mini update.
Last weekend was action packed and oober fun! Monday finished with awersomeness. Went to see Kung Fu Panda 2 with my mouman and then HP the Philosopher's Stone on big screen wif my lil' Drago *nods*
Tuesday was hell on wheels. Got a wake-up call at 5:50am, told that my mom had fallen, wasn't moving, was all white and my sis wasn't allowed to go see her O_O Thankfully, everything turned out to be ok. After a very long and worrisome day at the hospital. My mom seems to have been bitten by something (leaning towards a spider) and had a REALLY bad allergic reaction. She's better now, I'll be going to see her on Sunday though as I want to check up on her.
Saturday I'll be helping lil' Drago install his a/c because the weather's been really bad lately *nods*
There's some Assassin's Creed playage in there somewhere and Monday I get to watch HP 2 with my lil' Drago ^^
It's our "Monday night hang out taim" ♥
Anyhoo, off I go for now. *nods*
Back laterz,
have an AWERSOME one! ^^
Last weekend was action packed and oober fun! Monday finished with awersomeness. Went to see Kung Fu Panda 2 with my mouman and then HP the Philosopher's Stone on big screen wif my lil' Drago *nods*
Tuesday was hell on wheels. Got a wake-up call at 5:50am, told that my mom had fallen, wasn't moving, was all white and my sis wasn't allowed to go see her O_O Thankfully, everything turned out to be ok. After a very long and worrisome day at the hospital. My mom seems to have been bitten by something (leaning towards a spider) and had a REALLY bad allergic reaction. She's better now, I'll be going to see her on Sunday though as I want to check up on her.
Saturday I'll be helping lil' Drago install his a/c because the weather's been really bad lately *nods*
There's some Assassin's Creed playage in there somewhere and Monday I get to watch HP 2 with my lil' Drago ^^
It's our "Monday night hang out taim" ♥
Anyhoo, off I go for now. *nods*
Back laterz,
have an AWERSOME one! ^^
Friday, May 27, 2011
last one!!
Last shift of the week and the a 4-day weekend!! Woohooo!! I'm super eager. This'll be a jam-packed actiony weekend ^^
Tomorrow, or rather later today I'll be going out with Chris again, she's still on the lookout for shoes. She was able to find the dress and skirt she was looking for in the right size, that's always good *nods*
Saturday I take my lil' Drago to the vet XD hehehe that sounds so wrong lol I'll actually just be going with him to the vet with Mia for the first time. Then I get to pop on over and play with Mia for a bit.. While I also give my lil' Drago a peace offering because I plagued him D8 I ish a bad plague rat *hangs head in shame* Told him it would be a burnt peace offering hehehe I made banana bread *nods* it got a tad on the crispy side, I've made it before but I'm thinking last time I took it out slightly before the time indicated in the recipe.
Afterwards, I'll be heading over to Sylvie's (my co-worker) for supper and to sleep over. Free museum day is on Sunday, I'll be going with her, her bf and her mom. I get to see "mom" again ^^ I lubs her ♥
Come Monday, I'll be going out with my mouman ♥ We were originally just going to eat out, but she mentioned watching a movie. Therefore, grub and a movie, it's a date! I love my mouman *nods*
How am I doing otherwise? Well, I'm still a plague rat.. My cough has being kind of annoying. It's not so much hoarking up but like, if I breathe in deeply or suddenly take a breath I choke and cough *rolls eyes* I don't really consider this "better" oy vay *shakes head*
How about emotion-wise? Hmm.. I'm a lot better that I was on the 15th and during that week.. I ended up changing my own fb status because my ex was never doing it and to see it there was just like adding a weight on me. To have something saying one thing, but knowing it's untrue and won't be becoming true again.. I needed to keep on healing instead of constantly taking steps back. I think I've probably mentioned this already, but I don't remember. *ish tired*
I think, I've coming to terms with what happened. I've accepted it. I'm no longer in denial and I'm healing.
It's good to not be alone or feel alone during these times and even when I'm home with no friends around, I still don't feel lonely. Kayla is here with me and I'm just happy ^^
Omg.. I don't know if I mentioned this, but I finally got Kayla her kitty condo.. and *is oober thankful* she hasn't done her claws in the couch since! WOOHOO!! I have high hopes that I'll be able to patch the shredded couch arms without her coming around to reek havoc once more! *dies of happiness*
Tomorrow, or rather later today I'll be going out with Chris again, she's still on the lookout for shoes. She was able to find the dress and skirt she was looking for in the right size, that's always good *nods*
Saturday I take my lil' Drago to the vet XD hehehe that sounds so wrong lol I'll actually just be going with him to the vet with Mia for the first time. Then I get to pop on over and play with Mia for a bit.. While I also give my lil' Drago a peace offering because I plagued him D8 I ish a bad plague rat *hangs head in shame* Told him it would be a burnt peace offering hehehe I made banana bread *nods* it got a tad on the crispy side, I've made it before but I'm thinking last time I took it out slightly before the time indicated in the recipe.
Afterwards, I'll be heading over to Sylvie's (my co-worker) for supper and to sleep over. Free museum day is on Sunday, I'll be going with her, her bf and her mom. I get to see "mom" again ^^ I lubs her ♥
Come Monday, I'll be going out with my mouman ♥ We were originally just going to eat out, but she mentioned watching a movie. Therefore, grub and a movie, it's a date! I love my mouman *nods*
How am I doing otherwise? Well, I'm still a plague rat.. My cough has being kind of annoying. It's not so much hoarking up but like, if I breathe in deeply or suddenly take a breath I choke and cough *rolls eyes* I don't really consider this "better" oy vay *shakes head*
How about emotion-wise? Hmm.. I'm a lot better that I was on the 15th and during that week.. I ended up changing my own fb status because my ex was never doing it and to see it there was just like adding a weight on me. To have something saying one thing, but knowing it's untrue and won't be becoming true again.. I needed to keep on healing instead of constantly taking steps back. I think I've probably mentioned this already, but I don't remember. *ish tired*
I think, I've coming to terms with what happened. I've accepted it. I'm no longer in denial and I'm healing.
It's good to not be alone or feel alone during these times and even when I'm home with no friends around, I still don't feel lonely. Kayla is here with me and I'm just happy ^^
Omg.. I don't know if I mentioned this, but I finally got Kayla her kitty condo.. and *is oober thankful* she hasn't done her claws in the couch since! WOOHOO!! I have high hopes that I'll be able to patch the shredded couch arms without her coming around to reek havoc once more! *dies of happiness*
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
pretty skies..
It's been raining a lot lately, but for the past few days, at least while I'm awake, it's really pretty outside. *nods* I'm happy to see the sun and blue skies, it makes it not depressing. I've been doing good, keeping my mind on other things recently. Makes me feel better, and not dwell on things that make me sad. I likes being happy, I does!!
I went to spend my Sunday and Monday with Chris (my best friend), laptop-free and was able to just relax and have fun. It felt really good.
I was finally able to get Kayla's new kitty condo (she's very happy) and I seemed to have gone slightly insane and fallen in love with a jean skirt and a pair of high heeled-type shoes.. For anyone that knows me, they know this is insanity! lol I've never fallen for a shoe before D8 let alone high heels which are my mortal enemy haha
I'll post pics up soon.. of Kayla and her condo, and well as my new loves ^^
This weekend is also a 4-day weekend. I'll be going shopping with Chris again, hopefully I won't spend any more money.. oh but I need to get a microwave because I live in the caveman age and have yet to own one haha but apart from that, I hope I don't spend any more money.
I'm looking forward to this weekend, I hope it'll be nice so I can finally get off my lazy butt and go out and do something.. anything will do. Even if it's just a walk to Mont-Royal (it's a good 2.5hr walk from here hehe). I'm happy because I have finally found someone to walk the Mont-Royal with me >.< I don't know about this weekend, if he's not sick anymore.. This plague rat made him sick T^T poor lil' Drago =[
Maybe I want to wait to be a little better first. But ya, and.. I'm also eager to dust off my PS3 and play some Assassin's Creed <3 much love ^^
Oh so many things to look forward to this weekend =]
I went to spend my Sunday and Monday with Chris (my best friend), laptop-free and was able to just relax and have fun. It felt really good.
I was finally able to get Kayla's new kitty condo (she's very happy) and I seemed to have gone slightly insane and fallen in love with a jean skirt and a pair of high heeled-type shoes.. For anyone that knows me, they know this is insanity! lol I've never fallen for a shoe before D8 let alone high heels which are my mortal enemy haha
I'll post pics up soon.. of Kayla and her condo, and well as my new loves ^^
This weekend is also a 4-day weekend. I'll be going shopping with Chris again, hopefully I won't spend any more money.. oh but I need to get a microwave because I live in the caveman age and have yet to own one haha but apart from that, I hope I don't spend any more money.
I'm looking forward to this weekend, I hope it'll be nice so I can finally get off my lazy butt and go out and do something.. anything will do. Even if it's just a walk to Mont-Royal (it's a good 2.5hr walk from here hehe). I'm happy because I have finally found someone to walk the Mont-Royal with me >.< I don't know about this weekend, if he's not sick anymore.. This plague rat made him sick T^T poor lil' Drago =[
Maybe I want to wait to be a little better first. But ya, and.. I'm also eager to dust off my PS3 and play some Assassin's Creed <3 much love ^^
Oh so many things to look forward to this weekend =]
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
break in the clouds..
Does that mean the rain will let up? Nope... it's getting dark again *sigh* Just sitting around listening to music.. was looking for a song on youtube, I couldn't remember the name nor all of the lyrics yet I had the tune and a few of the words. Come to think of it, I never found the song I was looking for, what I did find however was a song that fits me or rather my current situation almost to a "T" it's called "Something I Said" by SafetySuit.
I'm so confused, I must be losing it
this can't be right
I never knew that you could choose to love someone then change your mind
So I just wonder why and was it
something I said
you tell me once,
you tell me twice,
you tell me three times more
tell me everything I want to hear and nothing more
cause you know
I am on your side
No matter what you do
With every consequence, it's your defense on why it's mine
And I could take it if I knew
just why I waste my time with you so
I just have to find out
Was it something I said to you
And was it something we can't work through
and was it something I made you do
or was that something you
so let me ask you
I just have to know that you're not mine
Do you feel free?
Have what you need?
Or do you still feel scared inside?
Cause I am on the line
and don't know what to do
No you know I am on the line so
Was it something I said to you
And was it something we can't work through
and was it something I made you do
or was that something you
Sometimes I'm bold and brash
and sometimes I'm prone to crash
And sometimes I say too much
and sometimes it's not enough
but I'll never hold you back
from something you want so bad
Just tell me so I'm not sad
was it something I said
something I said to you
and was it something we can't work through
and was it something I made you do
or was it something I said to you
was it something that we just can't work through
something you
And then, you know how there's that sidebar thingie on youtube.. Well there was another song from the same group and so I clicked on it. I mean, why not right? But here it is, still kind of expressing how I feel.. I've started thinking sometimes maybe this way is best, yet I'm not ready to give up just yet so I can't say it.
"Down" - SafetySuit
I sat by the phone today
waiting for you to call so I
could pick it up and say hello to you
and you would say hello to me
Just like my dreams
Is there a reason why you're gone?
I didn't mean to be so wrong
and I tried so hard to be the best that I could be
but still it seems
I always end up alone
Is there something inside me that I don't see?
Is there something wrong here with the way I love?
You can't hold me down
cause when no one is around
I won't be standing here
Just waiting for you to come back home again
You can't hold me down
because I finally understand
that what you did is
not so bad in fact,
it's better for me
Did I not give you enough room?
Was I overtaking you?
And did my love for you just blind me
from what I was doing wrong
I never meant you harm
Or was I not good enough for you?
Is that the reason why we're through?
Was I not half the [*wo]man you thought that I would be
But now you see?
Is that why you leave me?
Is there something inside me that I don't see?
Is there something wrong here with the way I love?
You can't hold me down
cause when no one is around
I won't be standing here
just waiting for you to come back home again
You can't hold me down
because I finally understand
that what you did is not so bad
in fact it's better for me
and Lord knows I try
to bring back my dreams
cause I held onto yours for so long that I couldn't hold my own
you can't hold me down
cause when no one is around
I won't be standing here
waiting for you to come back home to me
you can't hold me down
because I finally understand
that what you did is
not so bad in fact it's better for me
you can't hold me down again
you can't hold me down
you can't hold me down again
I'm so confused, I must be losing it
this can't be right
I never knew that you could choose to love someone then change your mind
So I just wonder why and was it
something I said
you tell me once,
you tell me twice,
you tell me three times more
tell me everything I want to hear and nothing more
cause you know
I am on your side
No matter what you do
With every consequence, it's your defense on why it's mine
And I could take it if I knew
just why I waste my time with you so
I just have to find out
Was it something I said to you
And was it something we can't work through
and was it something I made you do
or was that something you
so let me ask you
I just have to know that you're not mine
Do you feel free?
Have what you need?
Or do you still feel scared inside?
Cause I am on the line
and don't know what to do
No you know I am on the line so
Was it something I said to you
And was it something we can't work through
and was it something I made you do
or was that something you
Sometimes I'm bold and brash
and sometimes I'm prone to crash
And sometimes I say too much
and sometimes it's not enough
but I'll never hold you back
from something you want so bad
Just tell me so I'm not sad
was it something I said
something I said to you
and was it something we can't work through
and was it something I made you do
or was it something I said to you
was it something that we just can't work through
something you
And then, you know how there's that sidebar thingie on youtube.. Well there was another song from the same group and so I clicked on it. I mean, why not right? But here it is, still kind of expressing how I feel.. I've started thinking sometimes maybe this way is best, yet I'm not ready to give up just yet so I can't say it.
"Down" - SafetySuit
I sat by the phone today
waiting for you to call so I
could pick it up and say hello to you
and you would say hello to me
Just like my dreams
Is there a reason why you're gone?
I didn't mean to be so wrong
and I tried so hard to be the best that I could be
but still it seems
I always end up alone
Is there something inside me that I don't see?
Is there something wrong here with the way I love?
You can't hold me down
cause when no one is around
I won't be standing here
Just waiting for you to come back home again
You can't hold me down
because I finally understand
that what you did is
not so bad in fact,
it's better for me
Did I not give you enough room?
Was I overtaking you?
And did my love for you just blind me
from what I was doing wrong
I never meant you harm
Or was I not good enough for you?
Is that the reason why we're through?
Was I not half the [*wo]man you thought that I would be
But now you see?
Is that why you leave me?
Is there something inside me that I don't see?
Is there something wrong here with the way I love?
You can't hold me down
cause when no one is around
I won't be standing here
just waiting for you to come back home again
You can't hold me down
because I finally understand
that what you did is not so bad
in fact it's better for me
and Lord knows I try
to bring back my dreams
cause I held onto yours for so long that I couldn't hold my own
you can't hold me down
cause when no one is around
I won't be standing here
waiting for you to come back home to me
you can't hold me down
because I finally understand
that what you did is
not so bad in fact it's better for me
you can't hold me down again
you can't hold me down
you can't hold me down again
Sunday, May 15, 2011
fun day, horrible night..
Still a little plague rat, though no longer contagious. I went out Saturday with my lil' Drago to what was supposed to be a "quick" trip to the SPCA and then to Walmarde to pick up some much needed kitty supplies. Quick trips to the SPCA have never been short in my lifetime and that didn't change saturday either >.< We stayed until 5pm but it was extremely fun and Raine has become a daddy for the 1st time!! He got a cute little kitty, almost all black with a few white spots. She's tooo cute ♥ and we will go pick her up either Monday or Tuesday. We both left very happy.. I think happy is an understatement... Raine was extatic X3 hehe
So, today we set out to get kitty supplies. This is his first kitty so we got a litter box and ear wipes and toys and food. We'll be picking up the litter on Monday, same as the pet carrier. It was really fun, I always have fun with Raine ^^ I'll be going with him to pick up Mia (he's named her that =3) and then we'll take her home and play.. and then I'll have to go work Dx beurk... working on a Monday night.. how atrocious D8
So, home later today and well.. I spoke to my bf.. if you could even call it that.. he's been dodgy for 2 weeks now. Moreso, since our spat last Tuesday when I was feverish and asked him to do something for me and well.. it kind of exploded.. he hadn't really been talking much to me all week. If he'd log on to msn, he'd barely speak to me. He said we needed to talk but he would wait for me to get better. I was leaving the issue alone.. although it hurt me, I knew if he wanted to talk to me maybe I was looking into things too much. I wasn't. The way he briefly "spoke" to me on msn tonight was all too obvious. But we wouldn't see each other until next Saturday? So, I pushed and asked regardless and he called me.. and tells me he still loves me but doesn't know what to do anymore because I shattered his heart when I said I couldn't rely on him. He says he knows I didn't mean it, but it hurt and so much so that he doesn't know what to do anymore. So, friends we'll remain and maybe with time he'll get over it and want to work things out. Just like maybe in time, he might not and it'll end at that. Do I want to break up? No, I don't. He says he doesn't want to either and still loves me.. but is breaking up with me anyways. Why is love so fickle?
I think I feel better knowing that it's over rather than having to fret for another week not knowing, doubting and that would probably be more heart-renching in the long run.. Still, I hurt now, and can't help but cry.
So, today we set out to get kitty supplies. This is his first kitty so we got a litter box and ear wipes and toys and food. We'll be picking up the litter on Monday, same as the pet carrier. It was really fun, I always have fun with Raine ^^ I'll be going with him to pick up Mia (he's named her that =3) and then we'll take her home and play.. and then I'll have to go work Dx beurk... working on a Monday night.. how atrocious D8
So, home later today and well.. I spoke to my bf.. if you could even call it that.. he's been dodgy for 2 weeks now. Moreso, since our spat last Tuesday when I was feverish and asked him to do something for me and well.. it kind of exploded.. he hadn't really been talking much to me all week. If he'd log on to msn, he'd barely speak to me. He said we needed to talk but he would wait for me to get better. I was leaving the issue alone.. although it hurt me, I knew if he wanted to talk to me maybe I was looking into things too much. I wasn't. The way he briefly "spoke" to me on msn tonight was all too obvious. But we wouldn't see each other until next Saturday? So, I pushed and asked regardless and he called me.. and tells me he still loves me but doesn't know what to do anymore because I shattered his heart when I said I couldn't rely on him. He says he knows I didn't mean it, but it hurt and so much so that he doesn't know what to do anymore. So, friends we'll remain and maybe with time he'll get over it and want to work things out. Just like maybe in time, he might not and it'll end at that. Do I want to break up? No, I don't. He says he doesn't want to either and still loves me.. but is breaking up with me anyways. Why is love so fickle?
I think I feel better knowing that it's over rather than having to fret for another week not knowing, doubting and that would probably be more heart-renching in the long run.. Still, I hurt now, and can't help but cry.
Friday, May 13, 2011
plague rat complains...
Here sits (or rather) lies the plague rat.. unable to sleep and starving beyond belief. It's a good sign, I suppose, that my appetite is finally back.. The downside however is that it's keeping me from sleeping, something I desperately need to do if I want to be functional to work tonight and also if I want to keep getting better. I've had a few setbacks the past few days, having to stay up until 8am to take my antibiotics and my mom's been dropping by after work to bring her little plague rat (me) some much needed things like 7up to calm my poor tummy. Only flat 7up seems to kind of work, but I'm not complaining.. ok maybe I am a bit.. I wish it could get flatter faster!! haha So, I've had to stay up longer, like almost 9am. But then, yesterday with the whole window washers that made so much ruckus I couldn't fall asleep until sometime after 2:30pm I've been lacking sleep. Staying up so long has kind of taken a toll on my body.. like today after my mom came by again I couldn't fall right back asleep. I remember it was somewhere close to noon where I fell asleep... but then, there's this fluffy fur ball that waited until i had been asleep for oh a good 30mins and then decided to come wake me up and to make sure i was awake she climbed on my shoulder and started licking my ear while purring loudly and it tiiiiickled and so i awoke.. and then she left =[ but since then, I've tried as I might and can no longer sleep. =_= Don't get me wrong. It's not that I'm not tired.. I'm exhausted! But my tummy keeps me awake... It's eating itself out again D8 OMG I'm sooooo HUNGRY!! After about an hour of still not being able to fall asleep (by this time it was 2:45pm) I decided to make congee.. The time I rinse the rice, let it stand in water 15mins and the cook it 45mins-60mins it would be 4pm (time for my antibiotics). It's 3:43pm at the moment.. I can smell the rice cooking.. my tummy is squirming with pain =S It's to be chicken congee, but I've yet to prepare the chicken as I was too tired to stay standing... The way I am now, I may just eat the congee as is. Plain, white and soupy lol. It's Jasmine rice, I love the stuff. I can eat it normally by itself. Om nom nom. Ray never understands how I can just eat it like that (in a bowl with a spoon/fork). It's so nummy! I'm gonna go check on it real quick as I can hear it boiling... Well, that was probably one of THE stupidist things I could've ever done. It's an electric rice cooker, with an element inside.. Here I am, can hear it boiling loudly.. I don't unplug.. I just open the lid =S dumbass I be *nods* it boiled over in mere seconds. I shut it as fast as I could.. unplugged it just in case.. I'm crossing my fingers that no water spilled to the element or it's goodbai cooker and it's one of my most prized posessions T-T It was free, but I love it non the less! *nods* The fright it gave me resulted in a coughing fit.. boy I love those >.> I can still hear it boiling so I won't go back to check on it until the whole thing simmers down. With how hungry I am right now, ready or not I think I'm scarfing it down.
Edit: I've just checked the status of my congee... looks like gruel lol I think it's done.. and so far it doesn't seem as tho any water has leaked to the depths within.. but I'll only be able to know for sure one the pot is cooled and I can then remove it. *crossing fingers that all is well*
Edit: I've just checked the status of my congee... looks like gruel lol I think it's done.. and so far it doesn't seem as tho any water has leaked to the depths within.. but I'll only be able to know for sure one the pot is cooled and I can then remove it. *crossing fingers that all is well*
the plague rat does not give up!! (May 13th am)
Being feverish and whatnot the past few day has really gotten it's toll on me. The fever having subsided in the morning of Wednesday, you'd have thought maybe I could've gained some appetite back. Unfortunately such was not the case. Oy vay. All I could manage to eat was the probiotic yogurt the doctor recommended I eat so my diarrhea would cease. Even though it's a flavour I usually - under healthy conditions - love, I was having problems with the taste and keep telling myself I like it and I must eat it. Other than that, I've tried to eat chicken noodle soup.. oh I succeeded but it took me well over 10hrs to eat it.. yeah, I'd think that'd pretty bad. It seems like everything I try to eat is "too" something. If it would normally have a hint of sweetness, right now it's too sweet. Sour? Too sour, salty? Well, you get the picture. My mom passed by and gave me some croissants and 7up yesterday morning.. It took me over 3hrs to be able to finish 1 croissant.. I started on another and couldn't even get halfway through it.. too buttery =_= 7up I can't get it down 'cuz it's too bubbly T-T not so bad once it went flat... although it's a bit too sweet. I tried tea... I was never able to finish my 1 cup of my favourite tea.. It's roasted walnut. The aroma of it was soothing but I could do nothing more than take miniscule sips.. I've been drinking water and it tastes HORRIBLE D8
I was ok until last night. Although my appetite hadn't completely return, still kind of hasn't, there's only so long your body can go before you feel your tummy starting to eat itself >.> I knew I'd have to eat eventually, almost dreading it. Not because I don't want to eat but simply because whenever I start eating something well... I get the urge to upchuck because the taste is too whatever.. I was looking through my "Chinese Kitchen" cook book because it has some family recipes that were used for healing certains types of sickness. Nothing big, but like um recipes that'll help relieve coughs, loosen phlegm.. things that have been affecting this here plague rat as of late. There were recipes for congee which is basically a very watered down rice that's cooked for long hours, like 3-4 yet it's good for giving strength and being rice it's easy to digest. They had 3 recipes in the book but mentioned that white congee was good if you had no appetite and were getting over an illness.. Unfortunately, that one was not in there. Sure, I might have just been able to follow one of the other recipes and just not add other ingredients but I like to be consistent with recipes so I decided to look online.
I've never been happier than to have found the site I did. It's called "Homemade Chinese Soups It's Magical!" I've completely fallen in love with Phoebe the author of the website. Simply because not only does she have loads of soups and congees but everything is so simple. So easy to understand, well described and very fun to read. She also lists what some of the recipes are good for, again if loss of appetite, getting over illness, want to loose weight, etc.. there are some examples given like how her grandmother made her a soup without her saying anything when she was sick, without appetite and would've rather just sit there and sulk,but she was like "oh fine I'll just eat a spoonful to make her happy" but then ended up eating the whole bowl because of the effect the soup had on her. The warmth of it and everything, it warmed her tummy and made her feel a bit better. Like magic! I've saved the recipe, it actually looks nummy. I found a recipe for chicken congee and asked my mom to bring some too as she was already going to stop by after work. While I was searching, I must've spent a good 3hrs or more on that site. I started desperately searching for something I could make to eat as soon as work finished with what I had on hand. My tummy I could swear was seriously starting to eat itself inside out! I found recipes for egg drop soup, so easy to make and not time consuming at all. That's something else I love about Phoebe - I haven't actually met her, but it's like there's all this gratitude towards her I can't find myself to call her merely "the website girl" - she doesn't like things that are time consuming. Her recipes for congee, about an hour cooking time. There are 3 consistencies.. She tells you how much water to use for each. And then you can always play with it afterwards to reach the right level you want. But I digress.. egg drop soup, I found a recipe for egg drop and corn soup. OK, sure, it calls for fresh corn on the cob and you remove your own kernels... so I used canned corn kernel the taste would probably be a tad different but you use what you have, right?
Here I am, STARVING, yet having fun making soup X3 only me *nods* if you beat you eggs before putting them in and then use chopsticks and kind of pour the eggs through the chopsticks into your pot it makes funky cool eggie flowers =3 haha see, I said I was having fun! And the best part about all this is.... *drum roll please* it's the FIRST thing I can ACTUALLY EAT!! It doesn't taste "too" anything. It's just right!! And it feels so warm and soothing in my tummy ^_^
the nummiest soup ever to hit a very empty tummy: www.homemade-chinese-soups.com/egg-drop-soup-recipe-01.html
This here is one happy plague rat, on the road to recovery with a FULL tummy!! =3
I was ok until last night. Although my appetite hadn't completely return, still kind of hasn't, there's only so long your body can go before you feel your tummy starting to eat itself >.> I knew I'd have to eat eventually, almost dreading it. Not because I don't want to eat but simply because whenever I start eating something well... I get the urge to upchuck because the taste is too whatever.. I was looking through my "Chinese Kitchen" cook book because it has some family recipes that were used for healing certains types of sickness. Nothing big, but like um recipes that'll help relieve coughs, loosen phlegm.. things that have been affecting this here plague rat as of late. There were recipes for congee which is basically a very watered down rice that's cooked for long hours, like 3-4 yet it's good for giving strength and being rice it's easy to digest. They had 3 recipes in the book but mentioned that white congee was good if you had no appetite and were getting over an illness.. Unfortunately, that one was not in there. Sure, I might have just been able to follow one of the other recipes and just not add other ingredients but I like to be consistent with recipes so I decided to look online.
I've never been happier than to have found the site I did. It's called "Homemade Chinese Soups It's Magical!" I've completely fallen in love with Phoebe the author of the website. Simply because not only does she have loads of soups and congees but everything is so simple. So easy to understand, well described and very fun to read. She also lists what some of the recipes are good for, again if loss of appetite, getting over illness, want to loose weight, etc.. there are some examples given like how her grandmother made her a soup without her saying anything when she was sick, without appetite and would've rather just sit there and sulk,but she was like "oh fine I'll just eat a spoonful to make her happy" but then ended up eating the whole bowl because of the effect the soup had on her. The warmth of it and everything, it warmed her tummy and made her feel a bit better. Like magic! I've saved the recipe, it actually looks nummy. I found a recipe for chicken congee and asked my mom to bring some too as she was already going to stop by after work. While I was searching, I must've spent a good 3hrs or more on that site. I started desperately searching for something I could make to eat as soon as work finished with what I had on hand. My tummy I could swear was seriously starting to eat itself inside out! I found recipes for egg drop soup, so easy to make and not time consuming at all. That's something else I love about Phoebe - I haven't actually met her, but it's like there's all this gratitude towards her I can't find myself to call her merely "the website girl" - she doesn't like things that are time consuming. Her recipes for congee, about an hour cooking time. There are 3 consistencies.. She tells you how much water to use for each. And then you can always play with it afterwards to reach the right level you want. But I digress.. egg drop soup, I found a recipe for egg drop and corn soup. OK, sure, it calls for fresh corn on the cob and you remove your own kernels... so I used canned corn kernel the taste would probably be a tad different but you use what you have, right?
Here I am, STARVING, yet having fun making soup X3 only me *nods* if you beat you eggs before putting them in and then use chopsticks and kind of pour the eggs through the chopsticks into your pot it makes funky cool eggie flowers =3 haha see, I said I was having fun! And the best part about all this is.... *drum roll please* it's the FIRST thing I can ACTUALLY EAT!! It doesn't taste "too" anything. It's just right!! And it feels so warm and soothing in my tummy ^_^
the nummiest soup ever to hit a very empty tummy: www.homemade-chinese-soups.com/egg-drop-soup-recipe-01.html
This here is one happy plague rat, on the road to recovery with a FULL tummy!! =3
Whuzzat?? (May 12th 2011)
Browsing away on fb and one of my friends posted the cutest shoes <3 she wants the pink variety, i like the brownish ones better.. they're the Jeremy Scott x adidas Originals Teddy Bear.. the front view is oh, just a tad creepy as in it's gonna come alive and hug me to death pedobear style, but sideways and from a distance they're oober cute. Wearing them tho, I couldn't really guarantee I'd do that (assuming I'd have the cash to buy them)... How much for this cuddly-looking shoe? From what I've seen so far, we're looking at a good $300something.. *jaw drops open* well.. they are adidas, does anything brandname ever come cheap? Still, that's one expensive teddy!!
I went looking around, and while I was searching (read: straying off elsewhere) as is so common to me.. I found the website "www.sneakerfreaker.com". They have some funky looking shoes, some just plain weird and some really cute ones. These, I'd probably wear (if I could afford them) http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/New-Balance-Outdoor-Rainbow-Pack-japan/NEW-BALANCE-OUTDOOR-RAINBOW-MO1320-SB_1-1/popup/ and maybe these as well http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/New-Balance-Outdoor-Rainbow-Pack-japan/NEW-BALANCE-OUTDOOR-RAINBOW-SM920-SU_1-1/popup/
Other than that tho... these were kinda cool but a bit too yellow for me http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/New-Balance-Outdoor-Rainbow-Pack-japan/NEW-BALANCE-OUTDOOR-RAINBOW-MO1320-TB_1-1/popup/
So here I sit, browsing thru what seems to be an endless list of shoes/sneakers and boots.. There are a few nice ones along the way..while some I just can't put in words "o_O" probably best explains them lol
I love this blue <3 http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Highs--Lows-X-New-Balance-night--Day/highs-lows-new-balance-day-side-1/popup/
What were they thinking... and would anyone really wear this? I always thought "Ughs" were uuuuugly! but... I may have just met their match O_o http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Nike-X-Liberty-Of-London-Moc-Sandals/
Hello Kitty =3 http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Hello-Kitty-Sanrio-X-Vans/ they have a few variations, I'd have to say these are one of my favs http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Hello-Kitty-Sanrio-X-Vans/vans-sanrio-hello-kitty-5-1/popup/
Is it just me... or does this shoe look uncomfortable? (let alone weird) http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Nike-Air-Footscape-Woven-Chukka-Motion-leapord/
When life gives you lemons.... make shoes? http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Converse-Chuck-Taylor-All-Star-fruit-Hi/
I don't know.. I've never been very big on pink.. but these are kind of cute, appealing? pleasing to the eye?my eye *nods* Maybe it's the blue with the pink, I do love me a nice blooo and it seems to work well in contrast with this pink as well as the black that kind of keeps it all in balance. Me likes *nods* http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Nike-Air-Max-Lunar-/
Hahahahahahaha http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Star-Wars-X-Adidas-2011-Ss-Preview/ anything for the starwars freak I guess lol
Yet another starwars shoe, although this one seems less "out there" so to speak and are really quite simple I guess compared to the last ones.. http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Star-Wars-X-Adidas-Zx-8000-emporor/
Aye, fer de leprachaun in yew... they could've added an embroidered 4 leaf clover on it or something.. why just green? Makes it feel kind of bland..
I can't tell if these are studded... or if they've been bedazzled... http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Sns-Adidas-Preview/ Studs might look cool with a smoother looking shoe, this just looks "ein" to me.
Ah the "gourmet"... wait, does that mean they're eatable? hahaha http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Gourmet-Quadici-Leopard/
Caution: Never wear following shoe near or in a dog park. http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Jeremy-Scott-X-Adidas-2011-Preview/
I wonder if anyone's ever lost a bone to a dog lol Still, you can't blame a dog for chewing on these shoes lol
Something about these shoes... either pair, these and the blue and red ones... make me want to go play with blocks... I can't place why.. they just do.. legos even.. http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Adidas-Eqt-Support-2011/
More hello kitties.. I find these hella cute http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/REEBOK-HELLO-KITTY-PACK/
Adidas meets hotwheels!! haha http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/JEREMY-SCOTT-ADIDAS-FLAMES/
This is actually... kinda nice. I love the blue (how not surprising!), but the boot shape and style both look kinda nice. And by kinda nice, I really mean I like 'em and would probably wear these (if I could afford them)
These are almost 80-looking enough for me to say I might know someone who'd wear them XD http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Nike-Lunar-Air-180-Acg/ and http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Nike-X-Size---60-Zoom-Oncore/ oh and these... but maybe with a bit more purple on them http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Nike-Dynasty-Hi-Le/
The now-infamous teddy sneakers again... http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Adidas-X-Jeremy-Scott-Teddy-Bears/
with that very creepy front view... http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Adidas-X-Jeremy-Scott-Teddy-Bears/adidas-jeremy-scott-teddy-bear-5-1/popup/
unt ze pink ones http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Jeremy-Scott-X-Adidas-teddy-Bears/
As soon as I saw these... http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Onitsuka-Tiger-Monte-Pokhara-2010-2/ *shakes fist* I can't get the song out of my head "the poka dot door, the poka dot door, see you soon at the poka dot door. with friends and stories and so much more at the poka dot door, the poka dot door" *exasperated sigh*
Crayola FUN!! XD haha no, not really.. but kinda preschool colours, kinda? Actually... take off that light blue and darken that green a bit and you've got yourself a McKid's lunchbag!! lol
These are...kinda futuristic, girlie...yet cute. I kind of like them.. wouldn't be caught dead in them, but i like them *nods* http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Puma-First-Round-sparkle/
Also like these ones... http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Puma-Unlimited-Hi/UnlimitedHiLTDWNs_Holyshock_SG_Wht_BM2-1/
I can't shake the feeling that I've seen these somewhere before.. they're cute... maybe the pink is getting to me D8 I may just know someone who has a pair and seen them wear 'em before... but for some reason I can't shake the image of having seen Card Captor Sakura wear something similar =3
While I was browsing along trying to find where I had seen those shoes (or similar shoes) before I stumbled upon this http://beckys-stockpot.blogspot.com/2009/10/fingerless-mittens-i-dont-get-it.html woohoo more crafts <333
and here I was closing up windows and I almost missed this... http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/articles/Foot-Locker-50001-Colouring-Comp---New-Entries-article/
It's like a... colour-your-own shoe contest *nods* There are some pretty nifty designs. If any of you have a creative streak, are in a procrastinating mode and live in either Australia or New Zealand, I'd say give it a go *nods* http://www.footlockerartprize.com/enter/
Here's the official contest site with a few of my favs ^^
http://www.footlockerartprize.com/entry/854645&p=1#comment-1398 <3
http://www.footlockerartprize.com/entry/275669&p=1 very nice!! love the peacock! <3
http://www.footlockerartprize.com/entry/606646&p=1 me likes ^^
I went looking around, and while I was searching (read: straying off elsewhere) as is so common to me.. I found the website "www.sneakerfreaker.com". They have some funky looking shoes, some just plain weird and some really cute ones. These, I'd probably wear (if I could afford them) http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/New-Balance-Outdoor-Rainbow-Pack-japan/NEW-BALANCE-OUTDOOR-RAINBOW-MO1320-SB_1-1/popup/ and maybe these as well http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/New-Balance-Outdoor-Rainbow-Pack-japan/NEW-BALANCE-OUTDOOR-RAINBOW-SM920-SU_1-1/popup/
Other than that tho... these were kinda cool but a bit too yellow for me http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/New-Balance-Outdoor-Rainbow-Pack-japan/NEW-BALANCE-OUTDOOR-RAINBOW-MO1320-TB_1-1/popup/
So here I sit, browsing thru what seems to be an endless list of shoes/sneakers and boots.. There are a few nice ones along the way..while some I just can't put in words "o_O" probably best explains them lol
I love this blue <3 http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Highs--Lows-X-New-Balance-night--Day/highs-lows-new-balance-day-side-1/popup/
What were they thinking... and would anyone really wear this? I always thought "Ughs" were uuuuugly! but... I may have just met their match O_o http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Nike-X-Liberty-Of-London-Moc-Sandals/
Hello Kitty =3 http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Hello-Kitty-Sanrio-X-Vans/ they have a few variations, I'd have to say these are one of my favs http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Hello-Kitty-Sanrio-X-Vans/vans-sanrio-hello-kitty-5-1/popup/
Is it just me... or does this shoe look uncomfortable? (let alone weird) http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Nike-Air-Footscape-Woven-Chukka-Motion-leapord/
When life gives you lemons.... make shoes? http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Converse-Chuck-Taylor-All-Star-fruit-Hi/
I don't know.. I've never been very big on pink.. but these are kind of cute, appealing? pleasing to the eye?my eye *nods* Maybe it's the blue with the pink, I do love me a nice blooo and it seems to work well in contrast with this pink as well as the black that kind of keeps it all in balance. Me likes *nods* http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Nike-Air-Max-Lunar-/
Hahahahahahaha http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Star-Wars-X-Adidas-2011-Ss-Preview/ anything for the starwars freak I guess lol
Yet another starwars shoe, although this one seems less "out there" so to speak and are really quite simple I guess compared to the last ones.. http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Star-Wars-X-Adidas-Zx-8000-emporor/
Aye, fer de leprachaun in yew... they could've added an embroidered 4 leaf clover on it or something.. why just green? Makes it feel kind of bland..
I can't tell if these are studded... or if they've been bedazzled... http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Sns-Adidas-Preview/ Studs might look cool with a smoother looking shoe, this just looks "ein" to me.
Ah the "gourmet"... wait, does that mean they're eatable? hahaha http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Gourmet-Quadici-Leopard/
Caution: Never wear following shoe near or in a dog park. http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Jeremy-Scott-X-Adidas-2011-Preview/
I wonder if anyone's ever lost a bone to a dog lol Still, you can't blame a dog for chewing on these shoes lol
Something about these shoes... either pair, these and the blue and red ones... make me want to go play with blocks... I can't place why.. they just do.. legos even.. http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Adidas-Eqt-Support-2011/
More hello kitties.. I find these hella cute http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/REEBOK-HELLO-KITTY-PACK/
Adidas meets hotwheels!! haha http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/JEREMY-SCOTT-ADIDAS-FLAMES/
This is actually... kinda nice. I love the blue (how not surprising!), but the boot shape and style both look kinda nice. And by kinda nice, I really mean I like 'em and would probably wear these (if I could afford them)
These are almost 80-looking enough for me to say I might know someone who'd wear them XD http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Nike-Lunar-Air-180-Acg/ and http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Nike-X-Size---60-Zoom-Oncore/ oh and these... but maybe with a bit more purple on them http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Nike-Dynasty-Hi-Le/
The now-infamous teddy sneakers again... http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Adidas-X-Jeremy-Scott-Teddy-Bears/
with that very creepy front view... http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Adidas-X-Jeremy-Scott-Teddy-Bears/adidas-jeremy-scott-teddy-bear-5-1/popup/
unt ze pink ones http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Jeremy-Scott-X-Adidas-teddy-Bears/
As soon as I saw these... http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Onitsuka-Tiger-Monte-Pokhara-2010-2/ *shakes fist* I can't get the song out of my head "the poka dot door, the poka dot door, see you soon at the poka dot door. with friends and stories and so much more at the poka dot door, the poka dot door" *exasperated sigh*
Crayola FUN!! XD haha no, not really.. but kinda preschool colours, kinda? Actually... take off that light blue and darken that green a bit and you've got yourself a McKid's lunchbag!! lol
These are...kinda futuristic, girlie...yet cute. I kind of like them.. wouldn't be caught dead in them, but i like them *nods* http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Puma-First-Round-sparkle/
Also like these ones... http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/sneaker-releases/Puma-Unlimited-Hi/UnlimitedHiLTDWNs_Holyshock_SG_Wht_BM2-1/
I can't shake the feeling that I've seen these somewhere before.. they're cute... maybe the pink is getting to me D8 I may just know someone who has a pair and seen them wear 'em before... but for some reason I can't shake the image of having seen Card Captor Sakura wear something similar =3
While I was browsing along trying to find where I had seen those shoes (or similar shoes) before I stumbled upon this http://beckys-stockpot.blogspot.com/2009/10/fingerless-mittens-i-dont-get-it.html woohoo more crafts <333
and here I was closing up windows and I almost missed this... http://www.sneakerfreaker.com/articles/Foot-Locker-50001-Colouring-Comp---New-Entries-article/
It's like a... colour-your-own shoe contest *nods* There are some pretty nifty designs. If any of you have a creative streak, are in a procrastinating mode and live in either Australia or New Zealand, I'd say give it a go *nods* http://www.footlockerartprize.com/enter/
Here's the official contest site with a few of my favs ^^
http://www.footlockerartprize.com/entry/854645&p=1#comment-1398 <3
http://www.footlockerartprize.com/entry/275669&p=1 very nice!! love the peacock! <3
http://www.footlockerartprize.com/entry/606646&p=1 me likes ^^
Thursday, May 12, 2011
greetings from the plague rat...
After 3 long feverish days (99.6F - 100.7F) I'm happy to say this plague rat is finally on the road to recovery (I hope). Antibiotics in tow, appetite not yet found and everything tastes funny =_= still I'm not giving up! I passed the last two days sleeping constantly with only breaks being to take my antibiotics and well... pee.. I hadn't slept so much in so long and yet it felt so good I could've kept on going. The only set back of being non-feverish.. is that I have to work. And so, here I am. Boy am I tired! This little plague rat needs some shut eye! *nods*
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
feeling under the weather...
I guess it's that time of year again where it seems everyone gets sick. Unfortunately I seem to not have been spared. It started somewhere last night in the form of diarrhea and has continued well into today. I'm experience "heat waves" if you can call it that, followed by a rush to the washroom and then major chills. I'm currently in another one of those "heat waves". Head is pounding, I'm crossing my fingers hoping my allergy meds will kick in soon. Because of course the trees absolutely needed to bug me this year. It's like an on-off thing, I'm allergic to trees (especially when they're budding) the 1st year it was really bad, some years I'm not affected at all but this year it's decided to come at me again. Ugh. Headaches, congestion, itchy eyelids, hives even T-T and now my body's fighting a virus. Yipee! D8 It's weird tho, I obviously have a fever, my head's burning up. Take my temperature... a mere 96.9F O.o say what? Make that 96.3F just took it again. Ok, so I'm feeling worse but my temp is getting lower? Is that normal?? Confused girl over here *waves arm in the air* I'm too hot again... layers come off... I think I'll take my mom's advice and call in sick tonight. I've been up since 6am... it's now 11am.. If I can't sleep soon I'll be dead come my shift tonight. I work night shift.. 9pm-7am they should be ok.. usually about 6 people on Tuesdays, hopefully it won't be busy for them. Hate to cut it short, but I'm off to visit the crystal bowl once more ]=
Monday, May 2, 2011
pink skies
It's 5:38am and I'm sitting on my sofa kinda tired but I've yet to go to bed. Kissyface (Kayla, my furrbaby) is looking all cute and cuddly, curled up on my treadmill... the one she uses more than I do.. I suck at exercising *shakes head* The sky is pink outside and kind of blue-ish I hope it's another sunny day today. Sunny and warm! Sunny and warm!! I don't want the snow to come back.. I know, I know, it's only May 2nd... it's snowed in June before but I'm hoping against it. Ah Montreal weather.. it's crazy and all over the place D8 lol
I could be wondering what I'm still doing up. I mean, I finished my drama almost an hour ago but yet it's like something is stopping me from getting up off my lazy tuckus and dragging meself to bed. So, if I'm just gonna sit here and read blogs or putz around playing cityville on fb hell I might as well write another entry ^^ maybe I'll make up for all the ones I've skipped out on hehe
I just finished watching a Korean drama called "Pasta". It's really cute and it's about this new chef that comes to work at a restaurant and he fires all the female cooks because he refuses to work with female cooks. Except there's one set back. No matter how often he fires her, there's one cook who keeps coming back. It's like the cat who came back the very next day. Nothing he does can get rid of her. She's too cute. Lovable character. Watching this drama made me crave pashgetti so much lol I actually started cooking some. Poor Ray, my bf, my guinea piggie in all my cooking tryouts lol he'll eat anything I make, but I know he really dislikes Italian food and he had to eat some anyways ^^ Still, he liked it so I be happy *nods*
He's finally done his semester and he's been trying to find new shows to watch online and not having much luck. I've been bugging him and suggesting Korean, Japanese and Chinese dramas. He finally gave in, partly anyways. Yesterday or um rather the day before he told me if I could find him some Chinese historical dramas preferably in Mandarin then he'd be open to the idea. Cantonese was ok but only if they'd have subs. So I put my fingers to work and found him a few choices and he's started to watch Legend of the Condor Heroes and likes it lots. He's so into it he wanted me to watch it with him (we're each at our respective homes) and he's like "there's a lot of cute guys in it.. if that doesn't get you to watch it I don't know what will" lol He knows me so well <3 Still I wanted to finish "Pasta" before starting it, so unfortunately when he comes over later I won't be able to continue watching it with him.. we'll just have to settle on a movie because there's no way I can watch 7 episodes if I ever want to sleep lol I laugh, but as I'm sitting here, I'm actually starting to contemplate watching the drama *ponders some more*
I better get to bed soon... I'm starting to have cravings for cookies and I'm thinking I should've just made melonpan because I know how nummy those were last time, but again.. no eggs left hmm and the only cookies in the house are those gross baking soda ones bleurk.. ok I'm off to bed.. I hope 8D
I could be wondering what I'm still doing up. I mean, I finished my drama almost an hour ago but yet it's like something is stopping me from getting up off my lazy tuckus and dragging meself to bed. So, if I'm just gonna sit here and read blogs or putz around playing cityville on fb hell I might as well write another entry ^^ maybe I'll make up for all the ones I've skipped out on hehe
I just finished watching a Korean drama called "Pasta". It's really cute and it's about this new chef that comes to work at a restaurant and he fires all the female cooks because he refuses to work with female cooks. Except there's one set back. No matter how often he fires her, there's one cook who keeps coming back. It's like the cat who came back the very next day. Nothing he does can get rid of her. She's too cute. Lovable character. Watching this drama made me crave pashgetti so much lol I actually started cooking some. Poor Ray, my bf, my guinea piggie in all my cooking tryouts lol he'll eat anything I make, but I know he really dislikes Italian food and he had to eat some anyways ^^ Still, he liked it so I be happy *nods*
He's finally done his semester and he's been trying to find new shows to watch online and not having much luck. I've been bugging him and suggesting Korean, Japanese and Chinese dramas. He finally gave in, partly anyways. Yesterday or um rather the day before he told me if I could find him some Chinese historical dramas preferably in Mandarin then he'd be open to the idea. Cantonese was ok but only if they'd have subs. So I put my fingers to work and found him a few choices and he's started to watch Legend of the Condor Heroes and likes it lots. He's so into it he wanted me to watch it with him (we're each at our respective homes) and he's like "there's a lot of cute guys in it.. if that doesn't get you to watch it I don't know what will" lol He knows me so well <3 Still I wanted to finish "Pasta" before starting it, so unfortunately when he comes over later I won't be able to continue watching it with him.. we'll just have to settle on a movie because there's no way I can watch 7 episodes if I ever want to sleep lol I laugh, but as I'm sitting here, I'm actually starting to contemplate watching the drama *ponders some more*
I better get to bed soon... I'm starting to have cravings for cookies and I'm thinking I should've just made melonpan because I know how nummy those were last time, but again.. no eggs left hmm and the only cookies in the house are those gross baking soda ones bleurk.. ok I'm off to bed.. I hope 8D
Sunday, May 1, 2011
I'm a little lost when in the kitchen. Some people seem to have this "creative" side to them, like they'll be standing in the kitchen and with what they see before them, they can totally whip up something nummy. I on the other hand, can be staring at things and no idea will ever come to me, very very rarely am I hit with a thought of something to make (I think it's happened once in all my life). It's kind of annoying only because I'd sometimes like to be able to make something without having to rely on someone else, or on the internet or a book or whatever. But I'm not that creative. Still, give me a recipe and I can make something nummy (at least there's that haha). Recently, maybe because I've been cooking a lot more lately, I sometimes think about things I can mix within the recipe and thus adding a little of my own touch. *pats self on back*
I try to follow recipes to a T. And I did this with a recipe just now for "Nonna's cookies" aka grandmother's cookies... omg it's got to be the worst cookies I've EVER made & eaten.. I nearly gagged. I was trying to find a recipe similar to the cookies my nonna used to make. She never passed her recipe on and unfortunately is no longer here to show me how she'd make them. Her cookies and her pizza dough recipes, lost into oblivion. Still, I've been able to find some good pizza dough recipes (from scratch), it's the cookies I'm having problems with. *sigh* and now I'm stuck with a container full of god awful cookies that I doubt a dog would even want to eat. bleurk Yet I can't bring myself to throw them out 'cuz that'd be wasting food. Makes me wonder what I could possible do to salvage them. It's weird cuz they're exploding with the taste of baking soda but I put the amount they specified.
Oh good grief, I realized my error... I'm here re-reading the recipe.. they asked for baking powder... maybe that's why they taste so bad *gag* I put the right amount but I put baking soda instead of baking powder. It seemed a little odd to me that the recipe called for 3 tsp of baking soda 'cuz I'm used to putting a lot less when recipes indicate it.. I should really learn not to cook/bake when I'm tired. Last time I cooked when tired I burnt a pot :S that was a first ever..
I'll have to try remaking them properly next time. Obviously not now, as I'm all out of eggs... this recipe took my last 3. But I'm gonna make one slight change. They say to make icing and pour it on top the cookies are baked. But I remembered as the cookies were baking that my nonna used to just sprinkle powdered sugar on them first, press in a half maraschino cherry or sprinkle with sparkles candy and then bake 'em. *nods*
I'm kind of eager to try this recipe out again soon... like almost to the point of going out in the morning and buying more eggs haha and I think I'd cut the amount of flour because 3 cups seemed like too much as well.
Anyone have any ideas what I can do with baking soda flavoured cookies?
I try to follow recipes to a T. And I did this with a recipe just now for "Nonna's cookies" aka grandmother's cookies... omg it's got to be the worst cookies I've EVER made & eaten.. I nearly gagged. I was trying to find a recipe similar to the cookies my nonna used to make. She never passed her recipe on and unfortunately is no longer here to show me how she'd make them. Her cookies and her pizza dough recipes, lost into oblivion. Still, I've been able to find some good pizza dough recipes (from scratch), it's the cookies I'm having problems with. *sigh* and now I'm stuck with a container full of god awful cookies that I doubt a dog would even want to eat. bleurk Yet I can't bring myself to throw them out 'cuz that'd be wasting food. Makes me wonder what I could possible do to salvage them. It's weird cuz they're exploding with the taste of baking soda but I put the amount they specified.
Oh good grief, I realized my error... I'm here re-reading the recipe.. they asked for baking powder... maybe that's why they taste so bad *gag* I put the right amount but I put baking soda instead of baking powder. It seemed a little odd to me that the recipe called for 3 tsp of baking soda 'cuz I'm used to putting a lot less when recipes indicate it.. I should really learn not to cook/bake when I'm tired. Last time I cooked when tired I burnt a pot :S that was a first ever..
I'll have to try remaking them properly next time. Obviously not now, as I'm all out of eggs... this recipe took my last 3. But I'm gonna make one slight change. They say to make icing and pour it on top the cookies are baked. But I remembered as the cookies were baking that my nonna used to just sprinkle powdered sugar on them first, press in a half maraschino cherry or sprinkle with sparkles candy and then bake 'em. *nods*
I'm kind of eager to try this recipe out again soon... like almost to the point of going out in the morning and buying more eggs haha and I think I'd cut the amount of flour because 3 cups seemed like too much as well.
Anyone have any ideas what I can do with baking soda flavoured cookies?
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