Tuesday, January 12, 2010

dansons la capucine, y'a pas de pain chez nous...

So here I am... tired, but recently frozen so I'm no longer falling asleep. Had problems stay asleep last night. This time it wasn't caused by my cutie (kitty) who usually likes to wake me up at night so she can get extra attention... I'm awaiting an email, kinda really hoping it's coming.. so much so I was dreaming about it.. I don't think I've ever anticipated receiving a msg this much. In my dream, I was weirdly surrounded by the guys from Wong Fu Productions... they were like sidekicks/support.. I think I spent too much time on youtoob watching their skits yesterday that they followed me into my dream lol and in my dream I was eagerly awaiting that email.. and it was so vivid that when I received it, the guys had to remind me I was dreaming and it hadn't really been sent... and then, a little time would pass and then they'd all chime in that I had received the long awaited msg... and here I'd wake up and realise it was all a dream.. I must've woken up at least 4 times during the night. Never being able to fall straight back to sleep. oy vay! The last time I woke up it was 5am, positive that I had received said msg. I tossed and turned, not capable of falling back asleep and when I couldn't take it anymore at 5:30am I finally got up to check my inbox... stoopid dream, I didn't get the msg... *sigh* and I still haven't... I'm falling off the edge of my seat waiting for it. geez...
But I've decided (something that didn't cross my mind last night), if this happens again tonight, I'm getting up, making myself a cup of coffee and then going back to bed. Coffee puts me out like a light, the stronger the better.. I only have instant so it can't be super strong, but it'll do, I'm sure!

On another note, I've been sending a lot of emails and scanning things these past 2 days. This is also what caused me to freeze a little while ago and wake me up some (I had been nodding off prior to scanning my mom's last "order", now I'm almost wide awake... with burning eyes).

As I tend to get side-tracked whenever doing just about anything lol I also scanned in a pic, totally non-related to the things I was supposed to scan for my mom :P it's mini me! lol my mom found a (very rare) pic of a little me lying around... so I scanned it in too! Without further ado, here be a 7 yr old lettuce bug ^-^

But yeah, preparations being made for my mom to buy my condo.. 'cause the notary ought to be calling me soon so I can go purchase a new condo.. I'll have to call him soon if he doesn't call me by the end of this week as the bank is going to start taking payments as of Feb. 22nd.
I'm sooo looking forward to moving!!! I've fallen in love with the new condo, it's so pretty and it's LEED-certified. It's a 4 1/2 and I have a walk-in closet!! woot! I'm turning it into a recording studio for my voice acting ^_^ *beams*

Awersome coolest as hell news!! Sonata Arctica is coming back here in April, I found out 2 days ago. I'm totally stoked!!! Already bought my ticket! Total awersomeness!!! They're my all-time favourite band! I'm sooo happy they're back, and so soon too.. they were just here last October *nods* but I'm happy they're back.

Well, there are my ramblings for today. Hopefully I'll be able to sleep tonight, *crossing fingers* also hoping I get my long awaited msg tonight or in the VERY near future... the anticipation is starting to drive me bonkers!!

Nite all! *waves*

Friday, January 8, 2010

oh the weather outside is FRIGHTFUL!!

So it's been a while since my last entry. I can't say I've been up to much. Took a little break from everything as I took on my very first crochet project.... making a penguin pillow for my best friend, it's still in the making 'cuz i got frustrated on the feet and kinda just put it aside. I'll probably pick it back up this weekend.

What did I do during all that inactive crochet time you ask? Well, I submerged myself in Korean dramas.. what bliss! It helped that I had a little more than 1 full week off from work, I got all that much more viewing in ^_^

Here are some on the movies & series I watched, as well as my take on them...

starting with movies:

A Wolf's Temptation - (fun, action, saaad but good)

He Was Cool - (aka The Guy was Cool - cute, funny, kinda corny)

Innocent Steps - (cute, dance, w Moon Geun-yeong)

Jenny, Juno - (cute, similar to "Juno" but they keep the baby)

Marrying the Mafia - Movie (comedy, cute)

My Boss, My Hero - (strange, stupid, w action)

My Sassy Girl - (awersome, cute & funny, little sad; romantic comedy)

My Tutor Friend - (funny, cute)

Please Teach Me English (very cute, funny, romantic comedy, me like ^_^)

S Diary (cute, funny, me gots mixed feeling ending)

She's on Duty (action, comedy not too funny but cute w Gong Yoo)

The Classic - (lovely heartwarming, soooo sad, happy ending yet soo sad) ** fav

Windstruck - (soo sad, but hehe ending, must watch after My Sassy Girl to get ending lol)

100 Days With Mr Arrogant - (cute, very funny)

and the series I watched:

Sweet 18 (cute, funny, tearjerker)

The Painter of the Wind (heartwrenching, tearjerking beautiful movie, sad end) **fav

so, umm, yeah I guess I've been kinda busy lol being the new form of couch potato, instead of watching tv I watch kdramas on ze interwebs ^_^ but really... what else can I do when it's FREEZING outside!!

I've also recently (as of the new year) started to do some exercises.
Really, I should've never stopped.. had to do physio a few years back 'cuz I had injured my back when I fell on the snow & ice covered sidewalks (stupid mayor couldn't be bothered to put sand on streets & sidewalks).. not fun, also one of the reasons I now hate going outdoors when there's snow.
So, yeah, they had given me exercises to do and told me to continue even after my physio was over because if I gain weight I'll always have back pains grrrr and these exercises help to strengthen my back muscles and kinda firm me tummy up...
I slacked, then I altogether stopped.. I've since gained some weight back and recently my back started hurting again. *exasperated sigh* So there you have it, my reason for starting up my exercises again.. I know I have to start walking more as well, but with there being snow out there I'm not partial to the idea of doing that and I don't have the money to go to a gym... unless anyone knows of a workout gym that's free? Anyone? Oh! and it'd have to be in the Montreal area.